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tjproct committed Oct 22, 2024
1 parent c83a606 commit 078a0c9
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Showing 5 changed files with 37 additions and 844 deletions.
19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions pygsti/extras/ml/

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93 changes: 2 additions & 91 deletions pygsti/extras/ml/
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,7 @@

###### Functions that encode a circuit into a tensor ###

# TO DO: Make more general

qubit_to_index = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
#qubit_to_index = {0:0, 1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
geometry_cnot_channels = {'ring': 4, 'linear': 4, 'bowtie': 12, 't-bar': 8, 'algiers-t-bar': 8, 'grid': 8, 'melbourne': 8} # you get 2 channels for each cnot gate

def compute_channels(pspec: QPS, geometry: str) -> int:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,6 +40,7 @@ def melbourne_gate_to_index(g, q, pspec)-> int:
return geometry_cnot_channels['melbourne']+single_qubit_gates.index( # we put the single-qubit gates after the CNOT channels.
raise ValueError('Invalid gate name for this encoding!')

def bowtie_gate_to_index(g, q, pspec)-> int:
Works for Yorktown.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,92 +402,4 @@ def create_input_data(circs:list, fidelities:list, tracked_error_gens: list,
return x, y, measurements, x_zmask, x_mmask

return x, y

# def old_create_input_data(circs:list, fidelities:list, tracked_error_gens: list,
# pspec, geometry: str, num_qubits = None, num_channels = None,
# measurement_encoding = None,
# indexmapper = None, indexmapper_kwargs = {},
# valuemapper = None, valuemapper_kwargs = {},
# max_depth = None, return_separate=False):
# '''
# Maps a list of circuits and fidelities to numpy arrays of encoded circuits and fidelities.

# Args:
# - tracked_error_gens: a list of the tracked error generators.
# - pspec: the processor on which the circuits are defined. Used to determine the number of qubits and channels (optional)
# - geometry: the geometry in which you plan to embed the circuits (i.e., ring, grid, linear). Optional.
# - num_qubits: the number of qubits (optional, if pspec and geometry are specified)
# - num_channels: the number of channels used to embed a (qubit, gate) pair (optional, if pspec and geometry are specified.)
# - indexmapper: function specifying how to map a gate to a channel.
# - valuemapper: function specifying how to encode each gate in pspec (optional, defaults to assigning each gate a value of 1)
# - measurement_encoding: int or NoneType specifying how to encode measurements.
# - If NoneType, then no measurements are returned.
# - If 1, then measurements are encoded as extra channels in the circuit tensor.
# - If 2, then the measurements are returned separately in a tensor of shape (num_qubits,)
# '''
# num_circs = len(circs)
# num_error_gens = len(tracked_error_gens)

# if max_depth is None: max_depth = _np.max([c.depth for c in circs])
# print(max_depth)

# if num_channels is None: num_channels = compute_channels(pspec, geometry)
# encode_measurements = False
# if measurement_encoding == 1:
# encode_measurements = True
# num_channels += 1
# max_depth += 1 # adding an additional layer to each circuit for the measurements.
# elif measurement_encoding == 2:
# measurements = _np.zeros((num_circs, num_qubits))

# if num_qubits is None: num_qubits = len(pspec.qubit_labels)
# if valuemapper is None: valuemapper = lambda x: 1
# assert(indexmapper is not None), 'I need a way to map gates to an index!!!!'

# x_circs = _np.zeros((num_circs, num_qubits, max_depth, num_channels), float)
# x_signs = _np.zeros((num_circs, num_error_gens, max_depth), int)
# x_indices = _np.zeros((num_circs, num_error_gens, max_depth), int)
# if type(fidelities) is list: y = _np.array(fidelities)

# for i, c in enumerate(circs):
# if i % 200 == 0:
# print(i, end=',')
# x_circs[i, :, :, :] = circuit_to_tensor(c, max_depth, num_qubits, num_channels, encode_measurements,
# indexmapper, indexmapper_kwargs,
# valuemapper, valuemapper_kwargs
# )
# c_indices, c_signs = create_error_propagation_matrix(c, tracked_error_gens)
# # c_indices = remap_indices(c_indices)
# x_indices[i, :, 0:c.depth] = c_indices.T # deprecated: np.rint(c_indices)
# x_signs[i, :, 0:c.depth] = c_signs.T # deprecated: np.rint(c_signs)
# if measurement_encoding == 1:
# # This is where update the signs and indices to account for the measurements
# x_signs[i, :, -1] = 1
# x_indices[i, :, -1] = 0 # ??? Need to figure this out ??? Need to take the tracked error gens and map them to their unique id
# elif measurement_encoding == 2:
# measurements[i, :] = active_qubits(x_circs[i, :, :, :])

# if return_separate:
# return x_circs, x_signs, x_indices, y

# else:
# len_gate_encoding = num_qubits * num_channels
# xc_reshaped = _np.zeros((x_circs.shape[0], x_circs.shape[1] * x_circs.shape[3], x_circs.shape[2]), float)
# for qi in range(num_qubits):
# for ci in range(num_channels):
# xc_reshaped[:, qi * num_channels + ci, :] = x_circs[:, qi, :, ci].copy()

# xi2 = _np.transpose(x_indices, (0, 2, 1))
# xc2 = _np.transpose(xc_reshaped, (0, 2, 1))
# xs2 = _np.transpose(x_signs, (0, 2, 1))

# xt = _np.zeros((xi2.shape[0], xi2.shape[1], 2 * num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding), float)
# xt[:, :, 0:len_gate_encoding] = xc2[:, :, :]
# xt[:, :, len_gate_encoding:num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding] = xi2[:, :, :]
# xt[:, :, num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding:2 * num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding] = xs2[:, :, :]

# if measurement_encoding == 2:
# return xt, y, measurements
# return xt, y

155 changes: 0 additions & 155 deletions pygsti/extras/ml/

This file was deleted.

85 changes: 35 additions & 50 deletions pygsti/extras/ml/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,10 +4,6 @@
import copy as _copy
import warnings as _warnings

from . import tools as _tools

import warnings as _warning

from ..errorgenpropagation import propagatableerrorgen as _peg
from ..errorgenpropagation import errorpropagator as _ep

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -368,50 +364,39 @@ def remap_indices(c_indices):
unique_values, idx = _np.unique(flat_indices, return_inverse = True)
return idx.reshape(c_indices.shape)

### DEPRECATED: Use create_input_data in ###

def create_input_data(circs, fidelities, tracked_error_gens: list, num_channels: int,
_qubits: int, max_depth=None, return_separate = False, stimDict = None):
_warning.warn('newtools create_input_data is deprecated. Use the version in')
if max_depth is None: max_depth = _np.max([c.depth for c in circs])

numchannels = num_channels
numqubits = num_qubits
numcircs = len(circs)
num_error_gens = len(tracked_error_gens)

x_circs = _np.zeros((numcircs, numqubits, max_depth, numchannels), float)
x_signs = _np.zeros((numcircs, num_error_gens, max_depth), int)
x_indices = _np.zeros((numcircs, num_error_gens, max_depth), int)
y = _np.array(fidelities)

for i, c in enumerate(circs):
if i % 200 == 0:
print(i, end=',')
x_circs[i, :, :, :] = _tools.circuit_to_tensor(c, max_depth)
c_indices, c_signs = create_error_propagation_matrix(c, tracked_error_gens, stimDict = stimDict)
# c_indices = remap_indices(c_indices)
x_indices[i, :, 0:c.depth] = c_indices.T # deprecated: np.rint(c_indices)
x_signs[i, :, 0:c.depth] = c_signs.T # deprecated: np.rint(c_signs)

if return_separate:
return x_circs, x_signs, x_indices, y

def clockwise_cnot(g):
return (g.qubits[0] - g.qubits[1]) % num_qubits == num_qubits - 1

def gate_to_index(g, q):
assert(q in g.qubits)
if == 'Gxpi2':
return 0
elif == 'Gypi2':
return 1
elif == 'Gcnot':
qs = g.qubits
if q == g.qubits[0] and clockwise_cnot(g):
return 2
if q == g.qubits[1] and clockwise_cnot(g):
return 3
if q == g.qubits[0] and not clockwise_cnot(g):
return 4
if q == g.qubits[1] and not clockwise_cnot(g):
return 5
len_gate_encoding = numqubits * numchannels
xc_reshaped = _np.zeros((x_circs.shape[0], x_circs.shape[1] * x_circs.shape[3], x_circs.shape[2]), float)
for qi in range(4):
for ci in range(6):
xc_reshaped[:, qi * num_channels + ci, :] = x_circs[:, qi, :, ci].copy()

xi2 = _np.transpose(x_indices, (0, 2, 1))
xc2 = _np.transpose(xc_reshaped, (0, 2, 1))
xs2 = _np.transpose(x_signs, (0, 2, 1))

xt = _np.zeros((xi2.shape[0], xi2.shape[1], 2 * num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding), float)
xt[:, :, 0:len_gate_encoding] = xc2[:, :, :]
xt[:, :, len_gate_encoding:num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding] = xi2[:, :, :]
xt[:, :, num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding:2 * num_error_gens + len_gate_encoding] = xs2[:, :, :]

return xt, y
raise ValueError('Invalid gate name for this encoding!')

def layer_to_matrix(layer):
mat = np.zeros((num_qubits, num_channels), float)
for g in layer:
for q in g.qubits:
mat[q, gate_to_index(g, q)] = 1
return mat

def circuit_to_tensor(circ, depth=None):

if depth is None: depth = circ.depth
ctensor = np.zeros((num_qubits, depth, num_channels), float)
for i in range(circ.depth):
ctensor[:, i, :] = layer_to_matrix(circ.layer(i))
return ctensor

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