Releases: sanic-org/sanic-ext
Releases · sanic-org/sanic-ext
Version 24.12.0
What's Changed
- Fix coerce in Hint by @ChihweiLHBird in #251
- V24.12 by @ahopkins in #265
Full Changelog: v23.12.0...v24.12.0
Version 23.12.0
What's Changed
- Add ruff to toolchain by @ahopkins in #234
- Fix late dependency registration by @ahopkins in #228
- Replaced default list server variables with object by @cansarigol in #220
- chore: strip CORS_ORIGINS before assigning value by @skippednote in #233
- Add msgspec support for openapi.Component and @Validate() by @dmckeone in #229
- Fix late dependency registration by @ahopkins in #235
New Contributors
- @skippednote made their first contribution in #233
Full Changelog: v23.6.0...v23.12.0
Version 23.6.0
What's Changed
- Enable foo | None for nullable=True by @ahopkins in #208
- Add support for msgspec injection by @dmckeone in #197
- Fix #202: reduce CPU in logging by @zhu in #206
- Adds current request to default template context by @lllama in #194
- Reduce healthcheck CPU by @dpn in #209
- When appropriate use a func handler by @ahopkins in #210
- Removed uri ending slash trim from the doc paths by @cansarigol in #212
- Add new workflow for deployment by @ahopkins in #219
New Contributors
- @dmckeone made their first contribution in #197
- @zhu made their first contribution in #206
- @lllama made their first contribution in #194
- @dpn made their first contribution in #209
- @cansarigol made their first contribution in #212
Full Changelog: v23.3.0...v23.6.0
Version 23.3.0
What's Changed
- Do not coerce a literal type by @ahopkins in #174
- Do not pass items twice to Array by @ahopkins in #176
- Skip properties on passed types by @ahopkins in #188
- feat: passing exception to extra argument by @alisonsalmeida in #183
- Healthcheck Endpoint Fix by @shinybrar in #182
- Supporting custom logger in the background by @mymusise in #179
- Better message when Jinja is not installed by @ahopkins in #177
- Allow property classes as long as it is not nested definition by @ahopkins in #161
- Do not fail on cython objects by @ahopkins in #189
- Override type checking for sanc-routing funcs by @ahopkins in #190
- Force request property for injections by @ahopkins in #191
New Contributors
- @alisonsalmeida made their first contribution in #183
- @shinybrar made their first contribution in #182
- @mymusise made their first contribution in #179
Full Changelog: v22.12.0...v23.3.0
Version 22.12.0
What's Changed
- Injections for HEAD requests by @ahopkins in #154
- added url_for function for use in Jinja2 templates by @kevinchai in #124
- Coerce param types for pydantic/attrs in validation by @ahopkins in #157
- Constant injection by @ahopkins in #156
- Add HTML title and css configuration to Redoc/Swagger by @ahopkins in #159
- feat: serve oauth2-redirect.html with swagger by @ahopkins in #160
- Hide static handlers by flag not name by @ahopkins in #162
- Pass unquote thru add_route by @ahopkins in #163
- Allow dict of annotations by @ahopkins in #164
- Allow for custom OAS files by @ahopkins in #165
- Elegantly handle Pydantic model schema by @ahopkins in #168
- Allow field based spec def on models by @ahopkins in #169
- Use external address when SERVER_NAME is defined by @ahopkins in #170
- Both body and query validation by @ahopkins in #171
- Version 22.12 release by @ahopkins in #167
- Bump version by @ahopkins in #172
New Contributors
- @kevinchai made their first contribution in #124
Full Changelog: v22.9.1...v22.12.0
Version 22.9.1
What's Changed
- Better version parsing by @ahopkins in #138
- amend slight grammar issues & typos by @scardozos in #143
- Add typehints to some decorators by @Le0Developer in #145
- Fix injection when using HTTP_HANDLER_BEFORE by @prryplatypus in #137
- Move custom extensions after built-ins by @ahopkins in #149
New Contributors
- @scardozos made their first contribution in #143
Full Changelog: v22.9.0...v22.9.1
Version 22.9.0
What's Changed
- Add py.typed by @Le0Developer in #123
- Add support for class constructor injections by @ahopkins in #128
- Add health monitor by @ahopkins in #111
- Allow defining injection signal by @prryplatypus in #127
- Remove classes from schema properties by @ahopkins in #132
- Add request extraction on decorators by @ahopkins in #131
- Allow dict schema definitions in body requests by @ahopkins in #130
- Add request counter by @ahopkins in #129
- Add logging process extension by @ahopkins in #134
- Set version properly by @ahopkins in #135
New Contributors
- @Le0Developer made their first contribution in #123
Full Changelog: v22.6.3...v22.9.0
Version 22.6.3
Version 22.6.2
Version 22.6.1
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v22.6.0...v22.6.1