This plugin lets you add an annotation to your domain classes so the necessary created/updated audit fields will get added. On save() the domain will get "stamped" after a new insert or update. This eliminates the need for setting up a base class. It will automatically add fields based on your settings in Config.groovy. Provides an AST transformation annotation and hibernate events to take care of "stamping" for your gorm objects with the user who edited and/or created it as well as the edited and created dates.
- DRY - setup config and then a single @gorm.AuditStamp on your domain will give the fields
- Eliminate the need for a base class to store audit fields
- Provide more the ability to configure the names of the date and user fields. It was a big break in our standard to use "dateCreated" and "lastUpdated"
- Keep the nullable:false constraint on the audit fields with the ability to configure and override it if need be.
- work with Joda or with normal Date
Add to your config.groovy each field you want added
grails{ plugin{ audittrail{ createdBy.field = "createdBy" //add whatever names you want used for the editedBy.field = "editedBy" createdDate.field = "createdDate" editedDate.field = "editedDate" } } }
Add the annotation to your domain class
class Note{
String note
During compile time the AST transformation will add fields just as if you wrote your domain like so:
class Note{
String note
Long createdBy
Long editedBy
Date editedDate
Date createdDate
static constaints = {
createdBy nullable:false,display:false,editable:false
editedBy nullable:false,display:false,editable:false
editedDate nullable:false,display:false,editable:false
createdDate nullable:false,display:false,editable:false
def beforeValidate() { //if this already existed then it just append the code
//this sets the fields if this is a new (about to be inserted) instance
The annotation is just an AST transformation as a convenience. You can add the fields manually to your domains that match whats you have configured in config.grooy and the events will fire on those fields. This includes other hibernate/java entities. It uses the AuditTrailInterceptor to stamp the fields on the hibernate objects if they exists.
As seen in the above example, this allows you to keep your fields set to "nullable:false" since this annotation will add/append code to the beforeValidate() to make sure the fields are initialized properly. It also setups
The plugin defaults to using Spring Security but it is not dependent on it. If no currentUserClosure
The following show the options and defaults. For a field to be added by the annotation at least on config setting needs to be present. NOTE: Remember to clean and re-compile after changing the config settings. All of the mods to the domain happen with and AST at compile time.
// ** if field is not specified then it will default to 'createdBy'
createdBy.field = "createdBy" // createdBy is default
// ** fully qualified class name for the type
createdBy.type = "java.lang.Long" //Long is the default
// ** the constraints settings
createdBy.constraints = "nullable:false,display:false,editable:false,bindable:false"
// ** the mapping you want setup
createdBy.mapping = "column: 'inserted_by'" //<-example as there are NO defaults for mapping
createdDate.field = "createdDate"
createdDate.type = "java.util.DateTime"
createdDate.constraints = "nullable:false,display:false,editable:false,bindable:false"
createdDate.mapping = "column: 'date_created'" //<-NOTE: example as there are NO defaults for mapping
//custom closure to return the current user who is logged in
currentUserClosure = {ctx->
//ctx is the applicationContext
//default is basically
return springSecurityService.principal?.id
//there are NO defaults for companyId.
companyId.field = "companyId" //used for multi-tenant apps and is just the name of the field to use
this also shows how you can set your own currentUserClosure for stamping the user fields
createdBy.type = "java.lang.String"
editedBy.type = "java.lang.String"
createdDate.type = "org.joda.time.DateTime"
createdDate.mapping = "type: org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime"
editedDate.type = "org.joda.time.DateTime"
editedDate.mapping = "type: org.jadira.usertype.dateandtime.joda.PersistentDateTime"
currentUserClosure = {ctx->
return ctx.mySecurityService.currentUserLogin()
In Grails 2 the config is available in your unit tests so it makes setting things up a bit easier now. grails.plugin.audittrail.AuditTrailHelper has a mockForUnitTest(config,userVal=1) to make unit testing easier. pass userVal in as something else if you want some other default or some other type for your createdBy and editedBy. Take a look at the source if you want to see what its doing.
void testSave() {
def d = new TestDomain() = "test"
//the AST from @gorm.AuditStamp adds a property "auditTrailHelper" to your domains
//at run time it gets injected with the auditTrailHelper bean from the applicationContext
d.auditTrailHelper = AuditTrailHelper.mockForUnitTest(config)
assert d.createdBy == 1
- defaults on the added fields are now to set nullable:true and not have default values
- changed the name space in config from stamp.audit to grails.plugin.audittrail
- major config overhall so you can set types,constraints etc for each audit field
- there is now an ability to set your own currrentUserClosure and the dependency on SpringSecurity is gone.
- added mockForUnitTest in AuditTrailHelper to make unit testing easier
- a transient auditTrailHelper to get the injected bean for each domain that is marked with @gorm.auditStamp. beforeValidate then calls this if its not null. This will make it easier to test
- added default constraint for fields of bindable:false
- you can turn off audit trail for an instance by setting domainInstance.disableAuditTrailStamp = true
- refactor common stamp functions to AuditTrailHelper