Contains all answers for Rajalakshmi college's Digial cafe CS19241-Data Structures.
Always try to code on your own and use this for reference purpose only!!!
Applications of Stack ADT
✔Evaluation of Postfix Expression
✔Infix to Postfix Conversion Using Stack
✔Checking for Operator precedence using Stack ADT
✔Reverse a string using STACK
✔Balancing Parenthesis using stack
Queue ADT
✔Picking up last job in multitasking environment
✔Print the list of names in Print Queue
Array Implementation of List ADT
Circular Linked List
Stack ADT
Singly Linked List
✔Singly Linked List -Program 1
✔Singly Linked List - Program 2
✔Singly Linked List - Program 3
✔Singly Linked List - Program 4
✔Merging two Singly Linked List
✔Copying Elements from One List to another List
✔Polynomial Addition using Single Linked List
✔Polynomial Differentiation using Singly Linked List
✔Tree Traversal
✔Binary Heap
✔applications of graph