Creating a simple Unity project to interface with ROS1 (and possibly ROS2). This is currently a work in progress as I figure out what I want to do. More details will be added later on.
- OS: Ubuntu 20.04
- Unity version: Unity 2020.3.10f1
- ROS version: ROS Noetic
This repository has sub-modules so you will need to run: git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 [email protected]:sarika93/SimpleUnityROSSimulation.git
- Navigate to the ROS1 folder in this repository, which is a ROS workspace:
cd ROS1/
. - Run
- In your terminal ensure ROS is sourced properly:
source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash
- Your ROS workspace with the ros_tcp_endpoint package should also be sourced:
source ~/path/to/ROS1/devel/
- From any folder run the launch file:
roslaunch unity_ros_demo test.launch
This launches the endpoint and robot_state_publisher nodes, as well as rviz.
- Open the SimpleROSArm project in Unity.
- Open the Assets/Scenes/SampleScene scene. This scene has a robot that is able to publish its joint state.
- In the Editor, select the ur5e prefab. In the
component, you can set the robot's joint goals. The joint state should be updated in RViz.
Unity URDF-Importer - used to import the robots into Unity
ros-industrial/universal_robot repository - all URDFs and associated meshes were obtained from here