Kantra is an experimental CLI that unifies analysis and transformation capabilities of Konveyor.
Easiest way to install Kantra is to get it via the container image. To download latest container image, run:
podman pull quay.io/konveyor/kantra:latest && podman run --name kantra-download quay.io/konveyor/kantra:latest 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null && podman cp kantra-download:/usr/local/bin/kantra . && podman rm kantra-download
Note: On MacOS, in order to correctly mount volumes, your podman machine must contain options:
podman machine init <vm_name> -v $HOME:$HOME -v /private/tmp:/private/tmp -v /var/folders/:/var/folders/
Ensure that we use the connection to the VM <vm_name>
we created earlier by default:
podman system connection default <vm_name>
podman pull quay.io/konveyor/kantra:latest && podman run --name kantra-download quay.io/konveyor/kantra:latest 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null && podman cp kantra-download:/usr/local/bin/darwin-kantra kantra && podman rm kantra-download
This will copy the binary into your current working directory. To make it available system-wide, run:
sudo mv ./kantra /usr/local/bin/
To confirm Kantra is installed, run:
kantra --help
This should display the help message.
Kantra has two subcommands - analyze
and transform
A cli tool for analysis and transformation of applications
kantra [command]
Available Commands:
analyze Analyze application source code
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
transform Transform application source code or windup XML rules
-h, --help help for kantra
--log-level int log level (default 5)
Use "kantra [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Analyze allows running source code and binary analysis using analyzer-lsp.
To run analysis on application source code, run:
kantra analyze --input=<path/to/source/code> --output=<path/to/output/dir>
All flags:
Analyze application source code
kantra analyze [flags]
--analyze-known-libraries analyze known open-source libraries
-h, --help help for analyze
-i, --input string path to application source code or a binary
--list-sources list rules for available migration sources
--list-targets list rules for available migration targets
-m, --mode string analysis mode. Must be one of 'full' or 'source-only' (default "full")
-o, --output string path to the directory for analysis output
--rules stringArray filename or directory containing rule files
--skip-static-report do not generate static report
-s, --source stringArray source technology to consider for analysis
-t, --target stringArray target technology to consider for analysis
Global Flags:
--log-level int log level (default 5)
Transform has two subcommands - openrewrite
and rules
Transform application source code or windup XML rules
kantra transform [flags]
kantra transform [command]
Available Commands:
openrewrite Transform application source code using OpenRewrite recipes
rules Convert XML rules to YAML
-h, --help help for transform
Global Flags:
--log-level int log level (default 5)
Use "kantra transform [command] --help" for more information about a command.
subcommand allows running OpenRewrite recipes on source code.
Transform application source code using OpenRewrite recipes
kantra transform openrewrite [flags]
-g, --goal string target goal (default "dryRun")
-h, --help help for openrewrite
-i, --input string path to application source code directory
-l, --list-targets list all available OpenRewrite recipes
-t, --target string target openrewrite recipe to use. Run --list-targets to get a list of packaged recipes.
Global Flags:
--log-level int log level (default 5)
To run transform openrewrite
on application source code, run:
kantra transform openrewrite --input=<path/to/source/code> --target=<exactly_one_target_from_the_list>
subcommand allows converting Windup XML rules to analyzer-lsp YAML rules.
Convert XML rules to YAML
kantra transform rules [flags]
-h, --help help for rules
-i, --input stringArray path to XML rule file(s) or directory
-o, --output string path to output directory
Global Flags:
--log-level int log level (default 5)
To run transform rules
on application source code, run:
kantra transform rules --input=<path/to/xmlrules> --output=<path/to/output/dir>
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