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Arne Claus edited this page Feb 25, 2014 · 4 revisions


Since Version 0.8.12 there is a setup script, located in the folder "setup". You can run this script to create your database and config files.
If you've got problems with the script you can follow the instructions below to configure the raidplaner manually.

You need the following services to install the raidplaner:

  • MySQL 4.1 or better
  • PHP 5.3.4 or better with PDO and PDO MySQL drivers
  • An Apache webserver (no other servers were tested)

Upgrade instructions

  • Backup your current files and database!
  • Copy the contents of the new package to your FTP. Make sure that your "lib/config" folder is not overwritten
  • Open http:///setup, click on "update" and follow the instructions

If you've used an intermediate version of Raidplaner, there might be some error messages during the update process. As the update script tries to take partially updated installations into account you can ignore these in almost all cases.
However - if something went wrong it will help me to know which update steps failed, so it is advisable to keep the messages somewhere (e.g. make a screenshot).
If the raidplaner database could not be updated or is only partially installed you can use the repair tool, too, to get back to a consistent state.

Manual setup instructions

It is highly recommended to use the setup tool to install the raidplaner.

  • Copy the unzipped data in a separate folder on your server, e.g. "raid".
  • Import the database default layout (attached to major releases) into your database. A good tool for this is the import function from phpMyAdmin. All tables will be preceded by "raids_" so you can import everything into a database already in use by other systems (e.g. PhpBB3)
  • Create (or edit) the config files located in "lib/config" to match your setup. The files are listed in the section below.
  • Login with the user "admin" and the password "root".

The following defines can be made in each of the files listed below, e.g.

	define("SQL_HOST", "localhost");
	define("RP_DATABASE", "raid");
	define("RP_USER", "root");
	define("RP_PASS", "root");
	define("RP_TABLE_PREFIX", "raid_");
	define("ALLOW_REGISTRATION", true);
	define("ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC", true);
	define("PUBLIC_MODE", false);
	define("USE_CLEARTEXT_PASSWORDS", false);


  • SQL_HOST refers to the server your database is running on, e.g. "".
  • RP_DATABASE refers to the database you imported the default layout into, e.g. "mytable".
  • RP_USER refers to the mysql user that has access to the RP_TABLE, e.g. "root".
  • RP_PASS refers to the password of the given RP_USER.
  • RP_TABLE_PREFIX should not be changed unless you renamed all tables to use another prefix. The default prefix is "raid_".
  • ALLOW_REGISTRATION should be set to "false" if you do not want users to register manually. This only makes sense if your raidplaner is connected to e.g. a PhpBB3 forum.
  • ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC should be set to "false" if you want to manage groups from external (e.g. PhpBB) users manually.
  • PUBLIC_MODE should be set to "true" if user that register directly to the raidplaner should be promoted to members immediately.
  • USE_CLEARTEXT_PASSWORDS should be set to "false" to improve security for non-https connections. You may want to set this to "true" to fix slow logins.


The other config files in the config directory are used to configure login bindings.
While those files are similar, each binding can bring special parameters.
It is advisable to only edit these with the setup tool.

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