Notable Changes
- Syntax changes for new implicits #5825
- Simplify Source Positions #5713
- Realizability: extra tests and code fix from #5558 #5726
- Import Implied #5868
- Improvements to Typeclass Derivation #5839
- Change Implicit Resolution Rules #5887
- Base multiversal equality on typeclass derivation #5843
- An Alternative to Implicits #5458
- Allow toplevel definitions #5754
- Add typeclass derivation #5540
- Add support for lambda serialization #5837
- Extract quote reification from Staging phase #5763
- Translate the sbt-bridge to Java. #5596
- SemanticDB generator #5761
- Embryonic but functioning JSR223 support #5686
As well as many many many bug fixes and other improvements!
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible 🎉
According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges 0.12.0-RC1..0.13.0-RC1
these are:
309 Martin Odersky
116 Nicolas Stucki
52 Guillaume Martres
42 poechsel
22 Aggelos Biboudis
20 Paolo G. Giarrusso
19 Olivier Blanvillain
11 Liu Fengyun
5 Allan Renucci
4 Miles Sabin
3 Tobias Bordenca
3 Abel Nieto
2 Lukas Rytz
1 lpwisniewski
1 Adriaan Moors
1 Georg Schmid
1 Jentsch
1 Marc Karassev
1 Daniel Murray
1 Olivier ROLAND
1 Raphael Jolly
1 Stéphane Micheloud
1 Sébastien Doeraene
1 Umayah Abdennabi
Reporting Bugs
If you encounter a bug, please open an issue! 🙏