BC Gov OpenShift Container Platform deployment automation
A tool for BC Gov hybrid-cloud cluster admins that allows fast reliable deployments of cloud vendor managed OpenShift clusters that integrate with the BC Gov multi-vendor hybrid cloud.
Meant to be as simple as running 2 commands:
terraform apply;
We are going to be using a set of tools to manage OpenShift cluster deployments.
These tools are:
- bash
- terraform
- vscode
- asdf version manager
- platform specific CLIs and plugins
- a working cloud resources account at each vendor
For each specific platform, run the installer to get started.
For example, to use IBM, run
cd platforms/ibm;
Run the following command (which is expected to complete in around 20 minutes). When Terraform starts processing the script, it will prompt if the action should be applied. Read carefully and if so, type yes
cd platforms/ibm/accounts/<target-account-hash>/cluster;
terraform apply;
After Terraform is processing the script, you will receive a chain of emails that your IBM Cloud Order # 12345678 has been approved.
Run the following command (which is expected to complete in around 4 minutes). When Terraform starts processing the script, it will prompt if the action should be applied. Read carefully and if so, type yes
cd platforms/ibm/accounts/<target-account-hash>/cluster;
terraform destroy;