Byte Hunter v1.3 by PC.
┌────[ iNTRODUCTiON ]─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│ ■ There is more and more program with frequent updates, that mean that
│ when u cracked 1.1, the 1.2 will be out in few days.. Isn't that some
│ lose of time?
│ So the idea is, instead bytepatch particular offset, to look for a string
│ and replace it with another..
│ There is not so much sources of progs like this, and most of them are
│ slow.. really slow (TurboPascal suxx sometimes ;)
│ ■ So, we (Nop & THE_q) decided to code one, THE_q do the main work, and i
│ added some improvements, and THE_q finally improved all :)
│ ■ U are allowed to use this sourcecode and all components freely, we only
│ ask that u let the "ByteHunter by Nop and THE_q" in the file...
│ ■ It's one of the fastest Search & Replace procedure i ever see, and i
│ think u will be happy to use it.. so take care of it :)
│ ■ I (Nop) want to dedicated this prog to Riz la+ that was looking for one
│ and give me the idea of all this.