bwman (bashword manager) is a password manager for bash. It keeps passwords in a gpg-encrypted text file. Single action is allowed per invocation.
Before using bwman, you must create yourself a gpg key, which will be used when encrypting the password-file.
gpg2 --gen-key
Then create a file named bwman.asc, put it in ~/.local/share/bwman/ and encrypt it with gpg. This will be your password-file.
mkdir ~/.local/share/bwman
touch ~/.local/share/bwman/bwman.asc
gpg2 --encrypt --armor --recipient GPG-USERNAME \
Now you can start adding your passwords to the password-file with the -a switch. You can also edit the password-file directly with the -e switch.
For more information, check the man-page and the config-file.