Composes images using a palette of tile images to create mosaics representing given target images.
- GD Graphics library.
- NodeJS v12.18.2
- To install GD on debian systems, from within a terminal, run:
sudo apt-get install libgd3
- NodeJS 12 linux binaries are available at
cd MosaicMaker
npm install
Within a terminal, run:
npm run-script mosaic -- ./source/image.jpg ./path/to/palette/directory|paletteName columns rows [linear|quadratic]
npm run-script mosaic -- ./mona.jpg accordion 30 10
npm run-script mosaic -- ./starry.jpg accordion 80 40
npm run-script mosaic -- ./mona.jpg ./palettes/accordion 120 40
- ./source/image.jpg: Relative or absolute path to source image.
- PaletteName: be any of the directory names within the ./palette directory, or a path to directory containg palette images. (Only the accordion directory from the original resource pack is included to conserve space, please feel free to add more)
- Columns determine the number of tiles on the x-axis.
- Rows determine the number of tiles on the y-axis.
- Averaging strategy may be one of:
- linear - uses linear difference between channels to calculate average colors. (default)
- Calculates the average RGB using square differences to compensate for loss of bright- and sharpness due to camera compression.
From within this directory run:
npm test
If you're having issues running the test suite, patch the node GD binding module:
Apply ./node-gd.patch inside of the node_modules/node-gd directory.
cd node_modules/node-gd
patch -p0 << ../../node-gd.patch