- CD into the deliver folder
- There should be a environmental.yml and the osmpgo folder
- Create conda environment
- conda env create
- conda activate osmpgo
- Install OSMPGO python package
- pip install . -v
- Be sure to include the .
- Successfully installed osmpgo-0.1
- Osmconvert is automatically compiled during the install on Linux systems
- By using the -v you should see:
- running install
- Linux
- cc osmpgo/osmconvert/osmconvert.c -lz -O3 -o /home/vagrant/miniconda3/envs/osmpgo/bin/osmconvert
- Test Install
- type in terminal
- osmconvert
- osmpgo
- Extract
- osmpgo extract andorra-latest.osm.pbf andorra-extract_lc_shp.osm.xml -c andorra_hole.shp
- osmpgo extract andorra-latest.osm.pbf andorra-extract_lc_b.osm.xml -b 1.4275,42.4705,1.7201,42.6325
- osmpgo extract andorra-latest.osm.pbf andorra-extract_lc_gd.osm.xml -c andorra.gdb -l andorra_hole
- Export
- osmpgo export germany-latest.osm.xml output germany -w 6 -m 8
- Combine
- osmpgo combine output germany.gpkg germany