This is custom Home Assistant Integration for Infinite Campus.
This integration will create several sensor entities for different objects retrieved from Infinite Campus using the Infinite Campus Parent API python module.
The entities that will be created are:
- sensor.infinitecampus_students
- sensor.infinitecampus_courses
- sensor.infinitecampus_assignments
- sensor.infinitecampus_terms
Currently this integration simply returns the raw output from the Infinite Campus API for these objects. There is a basic custom card for viewing Infinite Campus homework assignments as well as a card for Infinite Campus schedules.
As a pre-requisite please install
- Python3.x
- The PIP wheel from here
To install this integration, clone the repository into your Home Assistant custom_components directory:
cd config/custom_components/
git clone infinitecampus
Restart Home Assistant NOT Quick Reload
In Home Assistant, navigate to Settings > Devices & Services and click + Add Integration
Select the Infinite Campus integration.
Enter the following information:
- Base URL (https://'<your_districts_server>' substitute the full domain name that shows in your browsers url field to the .com and no more
- District - at the login page past the search for your district you can inspect the page and find the appName as shown in the screenshot - this is your District
- Username
- Password