Typed Bus / Exports
Based on io-ts
types, this bus provides a handy interface to publish and consume events in the current runtime of the Node.js process.
- Versatile types by io-ts (nominal, branded, logical, shape types, etc)
- Listens to and publishes to any settled and instantiated transports
- Awaits for transport to be ready (async)
- Easy interface for the definition of the transports
- Tracks all events records (business operations chain)
- A shared bus for all the transports
- You can set what transport the consumer should be listening to (
) - You can explicitly set where the event is going to be published to (
: [what transport]) - Hook into a response event with a determined contract (handy for HTTP requests that await for a response)
- You can provide a source connector where all the orphan events can be dumped (e.g. NoSQL storage as Mongo)
- You can provide a source connector where all the consumed events can be dumped
- Handy Context API to tie the event with the business operation & aggregate mutation
- Rebuild the graph for any event from its unique ID and visualize it (and the data changes)
$ npm install typed-bus
$ yarn add typed-bus
- completely immutable, timestamped with unique ID payload and metadata that is being transported to the consumersconsumer
- ANY function that is added to a consumer's list and have a io-ts type shape for it's executiontransport
- an abstraction for connections internally or externally out of the systemtyped-bus
- a bus engine that is in charge of creating Events from received payload to publish them to correct registered transportsorphanEvent
- an event that has been published into the bus and found no consumers that match it's shape within all the registered or/and selected transports, it goes to a separate list of orphan events, handy for debugging- events are Immutable, pushed ONLY in a chronological order at level of transport and are de-duplicated
import { TypedBus, Consume } from 'typed-bus';
import * as iots from 'io-ts';
class ConsumerTest {
@Consume(iots.type({ amount: iots.number, currency: iots.string }))
async justConsumer(data: any) {
console.log('I just consumed money event', data);
// this method will be listening for the events only from `kafka` transport
@Consume(iots.type({ name: iots.string, age: iots.number }, { listenTo: ['kafka'] }))
async nameAgeConsumerCommand(data: any) {
console.log('I just consumed person event', data);
// somewhere instantiate the class with correct dependencies
new ConsumerTest();
// somewhere in the app call
await TypedBus.publish({ amount: 1234, currency: 'EUR' });
import { TypedBus, Consume } from 'typed-bus';
import * as iots from 'io-ts';
const TypeShapeToConsume = iots.type({ amount: iots.number, currency: iots.string });
let consumerId = {};
function consumerFunction(shape: iots.OutputOf<TypeShapeToConsume>) {
// some logic, logging, etc
// after that is done, if you want you can remove that consumer function
consumerId = TypedBus.addConsumer(TypeShapeToConsume, consumerFunction);
// anywhere in the app
TypedBus.publish({ amount: 1234, currency: 'EUR' })
import { TypedBus } from 'typed-bus';
import * as iots from 'io-ts';
class ExpressController {
async addMoreMoney(req: Request, res: Response) {
console.log('I just received http request to add more money with body', req.body);
// this will wait 10 seconds for the event resolution
const data = await TypedBus.publish(req.body, {
hook: iots.type({ outcome: iots.literal('MONEY_ADDED'), account: iots.string }),
// somewhere instantiate the class with correct dependencies
new ExpressController();
import { Consumer, Kafka, Producer } from 'kafkajs';
import * as iots from 'io-ts';
import { Transport, TypedBus } from 'typed-bus';
const KafkaSendMessagePattern = iots.type({
topic: iots.string,
messages: iots.array(
key: iots.string,
value: iots.unknown,
headers: iots.unknown,
export class KafkaTransport extends Transport {
name = 'kafka';
producer!: Producer;
consumer!: Consumer;
kafka!: Kafka;
// those are the default values for the transport class
// as kafka is an async transport, we can omit this exact definitions
ready = false;
waitForReady = true;
async _startAsyncTransport(): Promise<void> {
// we start all the kafka connections
this.kafka = new Kafka({
clientId: 'my-app',
brokers: ['kafka1:9092', 'kafka2:9092'],
this.producer = this.kafka.producer();
await this.producer.connect();
this.consumer = this.kafka.consumer({ groupId: 'test-group' });
await this.consumer.connect();
await this.consumer.subscribe({ topic: 'test-topic' /** more settings from kafkajs */ });
await this.consumer.run({
eachMessage: async ({ topic, partition, message }) => {
// we hook into the data from Kafka and publish it into the internal bus
// so we avoid resending received messages by any error in 'kafka' transport lane
await TypedBus.publish({ topic, partition, message }, { onlySendTo: ['internal'] });
// we declare a unique consumer for this 'kafka' transport
// which is the actual producer.push method
// as we dont control where it goes from our system
TypedBus.addConsumer(KafkaSendMessagePattern, this.producer.push.bind(this.producer), {
listenTo: ['kafka'],
import * as iots from 'io-ts';
import { Event, Transport, TypedBus } from 'typed-bus';
export class MyTransport extends Transport {
name = 'another-transport';
async _startAsyncTransport(): Promise<void> {
// do some async instantiation if that is needed
async _publish(event: Event): {
orphanEvent?: boolean;
publishedConsumers: PromiseSettledResult<void>[];
} {
// do some checks and verifications
// you have access to all internal API's of transport
// such as `this.consumers` list that gives you a fine grained control
// you can set custom rules that should be executed before the event is sent to the consumers
... custom control rules, logging, etc ...
import { TypedBus, DumpController } from 'typed-bus';
import * as iots from 'io-ts';
class CustomDumper extends DumpController {
constructor() {
// select the mode to initialize the parent controller class
super(1, 'single');
dump(event: { [k: string]: any }): Promise<void> {
console.log({ dumpedOrphanEvent: event });
return Promise.resolve();
TypedBus.setEventsDumpController(new CustomDumper(), 'orphan');
// do not forget to close all the handlers if you need to stop the dumper
// during the runtime
// rarely used