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Merge pull request #165 from scroll-tech/develop
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dghelm authored Feb 7, 2024
2 parents a34b39b + 7934261 commit b2ad13e
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Showing 93 changed files with 5,987 additions and 3,660 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion astro-i18next.config.ts
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Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
export default {
defaultLocale: "en",
showDefaultLocale: true,
locales: ["en", "es"],
locales: ["en", "es", "zh"],
load: ["server", "client"],
4,236 changes: 696 additions & 3,540 deletions package-lock.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
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"devDependencies": {
"@astrojs/mdx": "^0.19.7",
"@astrojs/preact": "^1.2.0",
"@astrojs/preact": "^3.0.1",
"@astrojs/react": "^2.2.0",
"@astrojs/sitemap": "^1.0.0",
"@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox": "^2.0.0",
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions public/locales/en/translation.json
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"introduction": "Introduction",
"principles": "Principles",
"scrollArchitecture": "Scroll Architecture",
"scrollUpgrades": "Scroll Upgrades",
"overview": "Overview",

"scrollChain": "Scroll Chain",
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128 changes: 115 additions & 13 deletions public/locales/zh/translation.json
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@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
"rightSidebar": {
"onThisPage": "本页",
"more": "更多",
"editThisPage": "编辑本页",
"joinOurCommunity": "加入我们的社区",
"feedback": "反馈"
"ui": {
"whatsNext": "接下来是什么",
"readMore": "阅读更多"
"landing": {
"test": "test",
"search": {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -38,45 +49,136 @@
"NewsletterCTA": {
"title": "随时了解最新的 Scroll 新闻",
"placeholder": "输入你的电子邮箱地址",
"buttonText": "报名"
"text": "路线图更新,虚拟和现场活动,生态机会等等",
"placeholder": "在此输入您的电子邮件地址",
"thankYouForSubscribing": "感谢您的订阅!",
"correctEmail": "请使用正确的电子邮件地址。",
"pleaseInsertEmail": "请输入您的电子邮件。"
"sidebar": {
"gettingStarted": {
"gettingStarted": "入门",
"overview": "概述",
"overview": "概览",
"scrollSepoliaTestnet": "Scroll Sepolia 测试网",
"userGuide": "用户指南",
"setup": "设置",
"faucet": "水龙头",
"bridge": "桥接器",
"bridge": "跨链桥",
"transferTokens": "转移代币",
"commonErrors": "常见错误",
"rollupExplorer": "Rollup浏览器",
"rollupExplorer": "Rollup 浏览器",
"scrollSepoliaBlockExplorer": "Scroll Sepolia 浏览器",
"scrollMainnet": "Scroll 主网",
"scrollscan": "Scrollscan 区块浏览器",
"sepoliaBlockExplorer": "Sepolia 浏览器",
"community": "社区",
"discord": "Discord",
"communityForum": "社区论坛"
"developers": {
"developers": "开发者",
"buildingOnScroll": "构建Scroll应用",
"buildingOnScroll": "在 Scroll 上开发",
"developerQuickstart": "开发者快速入门",
"integrations": "集成",
"verifyingSmartContracts": "验证智能合约",
"scrollContracts": "Scroll 合约",
"ethereumAndScrollDifferences": "以太坊 和 Scroll 的区别",
"l1AndL2Bridging": "L1 和 L2 跨链",
"ethAndErc20TokenBridge": "ETH 和 ERC20 代币跨链桥",
"erc721NftBridge": "ERC721 NFT 跨链桥",
"erc1155TokenBridge": "ERC1155 代币跨链桥",
"theScrollMessenger": "The Scroll Messenger",
"transactionFeesOnScroll": "Scroll 上的交易手续费",
"l2Fee": "L2 Fee",
"l1Fee": "L1 Fee",
"gasOracle": "Gas 预言机",
"future": "未来",
"guides": "指南",
"contractDeploymentTutorial": "合约部署教程",
"crossChainInteraction": "Scroll Messenger 跨链交互",
"bridgingERC20TokenThroughCustomGateway": "通过自定义网关跨链 ERC20",
"bridgingERC721NftThroughCustomGateway": "通过自定义网关跨链 ERC721 NFT",
"bridgingERC1155ThroughCustomGateway": "通过自定义网关跨链 ERC1155",
"estimatingGasAndTxFees": "预估 Gas 费和交易手续费",
"resources": "资源",
"rollupExplorer": "Rollup浏览器"
"mainnetResources": "主网资源",
"sepoliaResources": "Sepolia资源",
"scrollBlockExplorer": "Scrollscan 区块浏览器",
"rollupExplorer": "Rollup 浏览器",
"scrollSepoliaBlockExplorer": "Scroll Sepolia 浏览器",
"sepoliaRollupExplorer": "Rollup 浏览器",
"sepoliaBlockExplorer": "Sepolia 浏览器"
"technology": {
"overview": "概述",
"scrollArchitecture": "Scroll架构"
"introduction": "介绍",
"principles": "原则",
"scrollArchitecture": "Scroll 架构",
"overview": "概览",

"scrollChain": "Scroll 链",
"accountsAndState": "账户和状态",
"blocks": "区块",
"transactions": "交易",
"rollupProcess": "Rollup 流程",
"evmDifferencesFromEthereum": "和以太坊 EVM 的区别",

"bridge": "跨链桥",
"crossDomainMessaging": "跨链消息传递",
"depositGateways": "存款网关",
"withdrawGateways": "提款网关",

"sequencer": "排序器",
"executionNode": "执行节点",
"rollupNode": "Rollup 节点",
"zkTrie": "zkTrie树",

"zkevm": "zkEVM",
"introToZkevm": "zkEVM 介绍",
"zkevmOverview": "zkEVM 概览",
"bridgeOverview": "跨链桥 概览",
"prover": "prover",
"proofGeneration": "证明生成",
"cpuProverRepo": "CPU prover 代码仓库",

"security": "安全",
"auditsAndBugBounty": "审计和漏洞赏金",
"l2BeatAssessment": "L2Beat 评估"
"learn": {
"zkEVMOverview": "zkEVM概述"
"ethereumAndProtocols": "以太坊与协议",
"theScalabilityProblem": "扩容问题",
"introToRollups": "Rollups 介绍",
"zeroKnowledge": "零知识证明",
"introToZeroKnowledge": "零知识证明介绍",
"polynomialCommitmentSchemes": "多项式承诺方案",
"kzgCommitmentScheme": "KZG 承诺方案",
"additionalResources": "其他资源"
"footer": {
"aboutScroll": {
"title": "关于 Scroll",
"bugBounty": "漏洞赏金",
"joinUs": "加入我们",
"healthStatus": "健康状况",
"privacyPolicy": "隐私政策",
"termsAndConditions": "条款和条件"
"resources": {
"title": "资源",
"scrollDocsURL": "",
"blog": "博客",
"documentation": "文档",
"brandKit": "品牌工具包"
"infrastructure": {
"introduction": "介绍"
"followUs": {
"title": "关注我们"
"pageNotFound": {
"title": "页面未找到",
"text": "很抱歉,我们找不到您正在寻找的页面"
"notTranslated": {
"notTranslated": "此页面尚未翻译。"
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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion src/config/sidebar.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,13 @@ export const getSidebar = () => {
technology: [
section: t(""),
contents: [{ title: t(""), url: formatUrl("technology") }],
contents: [
{ title: t(""), url: formatUrl("technology") },
title: t(""),
url: "technology/overview/scroll-upgrades",
section: t(""),
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ For a more comprehensive explanation and details on the formula, check the docum

## Interfacing with values

To fetch these values and calculate the final fee, we’ll interact with Scroll’s public RPC and pre-deployed Smart Contract L1GasOracle.sol, which is deployed at [`TODO: 0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000002`](TODO:
To fetch these values and calculate the final fee, we’ll interact with Scroll’s public RPC and pre-deployed Smart Contract `L1GasOracle.sol`, deployed at [`0x5300000000000000000000000000000000000002`](

For our example codebase, we make a Hardhat project and fetch values using the [Ethers.js]( library.

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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/content/docs/en/developers/l1-and-l2-bridging.mdx
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ excerpt: "An overview of Scroll's Bridging architecture"

import ClickToZoom from "../../../../components/ClickToZoom.astro"
import Aside from "../../../../components/Aside.astro"
import L1GatewayWHITE from "../../../../assets/images/developers/L1GatewayWHITE.png"
import withdrawWHITE from "../../../../assets/images/developers/withdrawWHITE.png"

Expand All @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ In addition to token transfers, the Scroll Messenger contract enables cross-chai

## L1 Gateway architecture

<ClickToZoom src={L1GatewayWHITE} />

There are many entry points from the user to the Scroll bridge. This will depend on what you want to do and how you want to do it. If you want to send ETH or ERC20 tokens, you should use the `GatewayRouter` . If you want to send NFTs, you should use the `L1ERC721Gateway` or `L1ERC1155Gateway`. If you want to send arbitrary data, you should use the `L1ScrollMessenger`. All Gateway transfers use the Scroll Messenger to send assets cross-chain, whose job is to append the transactions to the Message Queue for L2 inclusion.
Expand All @@ -32,4 +34,4 @@ There are many entry points from the user to the Scroll bridge. This will depend

Regarding possible permissionlessly callable entry points, the L2 Gateway Architecture is very similar to L1. The difference is that when sending a message from L2, calling the `appendMessage` function will store the message in an append-only binary merkle tree (aka withdraw tree) in the `L2MessageQueue`. When a new message is sent to the `L2MessageQueue`, the relayer will detect it and store it in the database. When the block is finalized, it will generate a proof of the new merkle path and pass it to the L1geth node to execute on `L1ScrollMessenger` . All finalized withdraw roots will be stored in the rollup contract so we can verify the proof against them. In the next Scroll versions, the Relayer won't be needed since all users will be able to finalize the transaction on L1.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore the technical aspects of the bridge, including the smart contract API required to utilize its capabilities. Detailed guides with code examples are provided in the Developer Guides section to assist developers and users in understanding and implementing these functionalities.
In the upcoming sections, we will explore the technical aspects of the bridge, including the smart contract API required to utilize its capabilities. Detailed guides with code examples are provided in the Developer Guides section to assist developers and users in understanding and implementing these functionalities.
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions src/content/docs/en/developers/scroll-contracts.mdx
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Expand Up @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ Use the table below to configure your Ethereum tools to the Scroll mainnet.

### ETH and ERC20 Bridge

- L1 ERC20 Gateway Router: [`0xF8B1378579659D8F7EE5f3C929c2f3E332E41Fd6`](
- L2 ERC20 Gateway Router: [`0x4C0926FF5252A435FD19e10ED15e5a249Ba19d79`](
- L1 Gateway Router: [`0xF8B1378579659D8F7EE5f3C929c2f3E332E41Fd6`](
- L2 Gateway Router: [`0x4C0926FF5252A435FD19e10ED15e5a249Ba19d79`](

### Advanced Bridge Contracts

Expand All @@ -68,8 +68,10 @@ Use the table below to configure your Ethereum tools to the Scroll mainnet.
- ERC1155 Bridge
- L1 ERC1155 Gateway: [`0xb94f7F6ABcb811c5Ac709dE14E37590fcCd975B6`](
- L2 ERC1155 Gateway: [`0x62597Cc19703aF10B58feF87B0d5D29eFE263bcc`](
- Gas Oracle
- L2 Gas Oracle (deployed on Mainnet): [`0x987e300fDfb06093859358522a79098848C33852`](
- Gas Oracle (deployed on Mainnet)
- L2 Gas Oracle (*soon to be deprecated*): [`0x987e300fDfb06093859358522a79098848C33852`](
- *after [Feb '24 Bridge Upgrade](*
- L2 Message Queue With Gas Price Oracle: [`0x0d7E906BD9cAFa154b048cFa766Cc1E54E39AF9B`](

### L2 Predeploys

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,8 +157,8 @@ Use the table below to configure your Ethereum tools to the Scroll Sepolia Testn

#### ETH and ERC20 Bridge

- L1 ERC20 Gateway Router: [`0x13FBE0D0e5552b8c9c4AE9e2435F38f37355998a`](
- L2 ERC20 Gateway Router: [`0x9aD3c5617eCAa556d6E166787A97081907171230`](
- L1 Gateway Router: [`0x13FBE0D0e5552b8c9c4AE9e2435F38f37355998a`](
- L2 Gateway Router: [`0x9aD3c5617eCAa556d6E166787A97081907171230`](

#### Advanced Bridge Contracts

Expand All @@ -179,8 +181,9 @@ Use the table below to configure your Ethereum tools to the Scroll Sepolia Testn
- ERC1155 Bridge
- L1 ERC1155 Gateway: [`0xa5Df8530766A85936EE3E139dECE3bF081c83146`](
- L2 ERC1155 Gateway: [`0xe17C9b9C66FAF07753cdB04316D09f52144612A5`](
- Gas Oracle
- L2 Gas Oracle (deployed on Sepolia): [`0x247969F4fad93a33d4826046bc3eAE0D36BdE548`](
- Gas Oracle (deployed on Sepolia)
- L1 Message Queue With Gas Price Oracle: [`0xF0B2293F5D834eAe920c6974D50957A1732de763`](
- L2 Gas Oracle (*deprecated*): [`0x247969F4fad93a33d4826046bc3eAE0D36BdE548`](

#### L2 Predeploys

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26 changes: 23 additions & 3 deletions src/content/docs/en/developers/transaction-fees-on-scroll.mdx
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Expand Up @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Returns the latest known l1 base fee
#### getL1Fee

function getL1Fee(bytes memory _data) external view returns (uint256);
function getL1Fee(bytes memory data) external view returns (uint256);

Computes the L1 portion of the fee based on the size of the RLP encoded input transaction, the current L1 base fee, and the various dynamic parameters.
Expand All @@ -165,10 +165,30 @@ Computes the amount of L1 gas used for a transaction. Adds the overhead which re
| --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
| data | Signed fully RLP-encoded transaction to get the L1 fee for. |

## L1 Originated Transactions

When messaging from L1 to L2, the user pays all transaction fees on L1. The user pays L1 gas fees, but because of this, doesn't need to pay Scroll an L1 Data Fee. They will need to account for L2 Execution Fees in their L1 transaction though, and will need to know how much L2 gas to pay.

Contracts on L1 can use an L2 Gas Price Oracle deployed to the L1 to get the gas fee for a given transaction. The oracle also exposes the current l2BaseFee and estimated cross-domain message fee for a given gas limit.

On mainnet, the `L2GasPriceOracle` is deployed at [`0x987e300fDfb06093859358522a79098848C33852`](

On Sepolia, an upgraded `L1MessageQueueWithGasPriceOracle` should be used, deployed to [`0xF0B2293F5D834eAe920c6974D50957A1732de763`](

If your system supports off-chain mechanisms, you can also call `eth_estimateGas` and `eth_gasPrice` on any Scroll RPC node to get an estimate of the gas required for a given transaction.

<Aside type="danger" title="Upgrade Notice">
After the February 2024 Bridge Upgrade, `L1GasPriceOracle` will be deprecated in favor of `L1MessageQueueWithGasPriceOracle`, which will be available at [`0x0d7E906BD9cAFa154b048cFa766Cc1E54E39AF9B`](

The upgrade is expected to be finalized on February 21, 2024, after a two-week timelock. Scroll Sepolia has already undergone this upgrade. Read more [here](

{/* TODO: Add full documentation of key methods */}

## Future Roadmap

Currently, the computation required for proof generation is completed by and subsidized by Scroll and various proving partners.
Currently, the computation required for proof generation and gas for proof verification on L1 is subsidized by Scroll and various proving partners. It is partially covered by setting a floor to L2 Gas Price.

As the prover network becomes decentralized, incentives for proof generation will need to be incorporated into the protocol for the system to be sustainable and scalable.

We expect the final gas cost will include the cost of this proof generation. With further protocol optimization, this cost for the user should be minimal, as each proof covers many transactions.
We expect the final gas cost will explicitly include the cost of this proof generation. With further protocol optimization, this cost for the user should be minimal, as each proof covers many transactions.

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