Custom component for Home Assistant to calculate hourly prices for all Belgian energy contract on the market
cunsuption and injections prices for all contracts in the datasource. Hourly today and hourly next day when available trought the entso-e intgration. Also a sensor that holds all distributor and government parameters for electricty price calculation.
Download this repository and place the contents of custom_components
in your own custom_components
map of your Home Assistant installation. Restart Home Assistant and add the integration through your settings.
Search for "" when adding HACS integrations and add "Smartenergycontrol". Restart Home Assistant and add the integration through your settings.
You can choose your current contract en energy distributer trough postal code using the web UI.
The integration is in an early state and receives a lot of updates. If you already setup this integration and encounter an error after updating, please try redoing the above installation steps.