This app helps you to lock your memories with any place that you visited or wish to visit by saving photos, some description about the place, date of visit and most importantly the google map location. this app use google map api to generate the location from latitude and longitude of a place.
Following are few android concepts used to achieve the functionalities in app :
UI: To make ui beautiful and easy to interactive LinearLayout, RecyclerView, cardview, a third party library hdodenhof for circulat imageView.
Camera & Storage: Camera is used to take photo of current location & storage access is used to fetch photo from phones storage.
- Fused location API-> to get the current lattitude and longitude of user,
- Google Maps API-> to show the the location of a place in Map,
- GeoCoder API-> to generatie a address of a place from given latitude and longitude.
it will take some time to pubish this app on is my playstore developer account link and it will available here: and file APK is also available in this repository.