I have deployed this app at: https://covid-19-uk-bokeh-plots.herokuapp.com/Covid_19_Plots for people to view.
To run this project locally follows these steps:
Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/sdesilva26/Covid-19-App.git
Install the dependencies in the requirements.txt
[optional] Get the latest data from NHS england by running
python ./scripts/data_script.py "./data/COVID-19-total-announced-deaths.xlsx"
NOTE: if you change the filename here by specifying a different argument in the command above you will need to change the filepath in main.py
Create a Google Maps API key by following the instructions here
Set the google api you just generated as an environment variable with the name "GOOGLE_API_KEY"
From the repository root run the command
bokeh serve --show Covid_19_Plots/
The app should now pop up in your internet browser in a new window 7. [optional] To keep the data up to date set up a cron job that runs the cron_script.sh daily after 2pm as this is when NHS England's daily data release occurs
Two great resources inspired and allowed me to set this up.
For the bokeh plots Will Koehrsen's three part Medium blog were a huge help, particularly in setting up interactive plots.
For the inspiration to create a live web app and how to deploy it to heroku see Max Pumperla's own Covid-19 github repo.