The aim of this project was to predict whether a certain customer would churn given a set of features about a customer. The data I used was taken from the KDD Cup 2009 . This is a real dataset from the French Telecom company Orange. Unlike the majority of datasets from sites such as Kaggle this dataset posed a real challenge due to the sparsity of it's features as well as the number of features (230).
Following the metric of the competition itself, my aim was to produce a model that obtained the highest area under the ROC curve.
I chose to use the small dataset instead of the large one. The difference is not in the number of observations they provide but in the number of features. As mentioned above, the small dataset had 230 features where as the large contained over 14,000!
My final results on a held-out test set of around 15,000 observations was an AUC 0f 0.71. My final model consisted of an adaboosted ensemble of 40 decision trees using a maximum depth of 1 for each tree with a learning rate of 0.5 and entropy as the selected criterion for evaluating splitting candidates. Below is the ROC curve for this model evaluated on the training set using cross-validation with 5 folds
The AUC for the CV training set is 0.72 and could be as high as 0.73 within the error bars estimated from CV. Here is the plot for this model evaluated on a held-out test set for a model training on a balanced and unbalanced training set.
Interestingly, the model performed better on the test set when trained on the imbalanced dataset .
I think this is because the whole point of adaboosting is that subsequent learners try to predict the mistakes of earlier ones. Thus if you give it loads of (duplicate) examples of the minority class and the first few learners get these wrong, they will be weighted more heavily for later learners. Thus the later learners will become very good at predicting the minority class possibly at the detriment of the majority class.
The best AUC in the actual competition was 0.7651 and the in-house classifier used by Orange achieves a AUC of 0.7435.
The in-house classifier takes 3 hours to train. This is for all three tasks of predicting churn, appetency, and up-selling so an average of 1 hour per task. My model could be retrained in about 30 seconds because of my use of the smaller dataset with far less features. However, as detailed in the report following the competition, the majority of teams did better on the larger training set. So performing at 95 % (0.71/0.7435) and 93% (0.71/0.7651) of the Orange and compeition winner's models by using the smaller dataset seems pretty good. It would be a business decision as to whether to increase in AUC from using a model that takes an hour to train is worth it compared to a model that could be retrained in seconds. For Orange I imagine it does matter since they probably lose a lot of money from customers leaving and they presumely have the resources to retrain models for an hour (not to mention the people to tweak these models).
I did not revisit data cleaning.
This task was particularly difficult due to the amount of missing entries in the dataset . Furthermore, because the data had been blinded, making logical decisions about encoding and imputing variables was made very difficult. This lead to a lot of ad-hoc solutions to either filling in data, grouping values, or dropping it altogether. Since your model is only as good as the data you feed it, I am sure that taking a different approach to the data cleaning and imputing process would yield slightly better results. However, as the report points out , most people did better on the larger training set so although I could chase that extra 0.02 of AUC I don't think it would be time particularly well spent. But it is something to note. If done again, I think the data cleaning and feature engineering is where there is the most room for improvement.
Churn was by far the hardest task in the competition.
The report's figures show that predicting churn was by far the hardest task of the three. See the images below taken from the report.
Data wrangling took up a significant portion of my time due to the nature of the data Pratice data wrangling as real world data is ugly and messy
Features are not always distributed normally - use both logic and the data to deal with this
Adaboost can make even terrible decisions trees great
A single decision tree only achieved a AUC of 0.53, where as the base logistic regression model achieved 0.68. But using an adaboosted decision tree improved the AUC to 0.72.
You can tweak models until the cows come home
As stated in the write up very little improvement was seen from submissions within the first few hours and those who submitted after a month. Depending on the business problem at hand, a decision needs to be made as to whether all the extra time is worth the extra 0.03 units of AUC.
I learned a lot of data imputation techniques
Because of the amount of missing values and the frequency of non-normally distributed fteaures I had to take a bit of a deep dive into imputation and feature engineerin techniques.
For the columns that were normally distributed I used a simple mean imputation , and for the ones that showed some skew I used median.
I also used a NN to impute values for one column which exhibited over 20,000 missing values . This was interesting and something I had never thought of doing before. Its difficult to say if it worked or not, but it definitely wasn't terrible since I still managed to achieve a AUC of 0.71.
Finally I used a simple linear regression to fill in missing data for a few columns. To do this I looked at a correlation plot and found features that were highly correlated. Then to fill in the missing data of a feature, I regressed its values onto the features it was highly correlated with. To see if the regression was successful I used the r squared value. If this was high I then predicted the missing values using this linear regression model.
I learned some simple dimensionality reduction techniques for categorical features
For categorical variables that showed a huge number of values, one-hot-encoding them seemed like a dangerous scheme as I thought I could easily get lost in the curse of dimensionality when it came to fitting models to the data. Because of this I learned about grouping of variables into new values. For example, a lot of the categorical features that had more than 100 values I split into 2 new values, with say the top 10 % most frequently occuring values as one group and the rest in another. Thus reducing the one-hot-encoding from 100 variables to 1.
I learned that there are 3 classes of feature selection
Filter methods do not rely on a model in order to select features. Examples of this are variable ranking, such as selecting the top 50% of features as ranked by their Pearson's correlation value.
Wrapper methods use the model being trained to decide whether to include a feature or not . They create many models with different subsets of input features and select those features that result in the best performing model according to a performance metricExamples of this are forward and backward selection. I ended up using recursive feature elimination which is also an example of this but I didn't get any performance using this method.
Embedded methods, very similar to wrapper methods, but the feature selection is implicitly performed by the model as the training progresses without creating many models as in wrapper methods . Examples of this are lasso and ridge regression.
I read into classification metrics a lot
Interestingly the organisers of this competition decided to go with AUC as their evaluation metric. However, for cases of imbalanced classes the advice from reading around seems to be that the AUC of the precision recall graph is a much more informative metric to use. The ROC curve is insensitive to changes in the ratio of the classes where as the precision recall curve is not. So to me it seems like this precision-recall curve is a better metric too but I wanted to be able to make direct comparisons with the competition submissions so I went with AUC of ROC. But in future it is worth nothing that in cases of imbalanced data that AUC of precision-recall is preferred.
I experienced the 80/20 rule first hand
It was quite easy to achieve an AUC of 0.68 with just a simple logistic regression model . However, going from that to 0.72 took a lot of my time when modelling (actually more than 80% of my time).