This is a PowerShell module for invoking the Vultr API (affiliate link).
I created this tool as an exercise to learn PowerShell, its best practices, and some associated tools. As such, this is not fully featured or tested, but pull requests are welcome!
This project is based heavily on the PSStackExchange and other projects by Warren Frame aka Rambling Cookie Monster.
If you are interested in learning PowerShell, I highly recommend Warren's blog as well as that of Kevin Marquette. I've found these guys to be clear and concise in explaining things:
- How do I Learn PowerShell? - Warren Frame
- Powershell Module Building Basics - Kevin Marquette
- Building a CI/CD Pipline - Kevin Marquette
Although I didn't reference it, there is another Vultr PowerShell module by vektorprime, if this one is not to your liking.
# One time setup
# Download the repository
# Unblock the zip
# Extract the PSVultrAPI folder to a module path (e.g. $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\)
#Simple alternative, if you have PowerShell 5, or the PowerShellGet module:
Install-Module PSVultrAPI
# Import the module.
Import-Module PSVultrAPI #Alternatively, Import-Module \\Path\To\PSVultrAPI
# Get commands in the module
Get-Command -Module PSVultrAPI
# Get help
Get-Help Get-VultrDNS -Full
Get-Help about_PSVultrAPI
# TODO: Example