This application allows you to play back recordings that we recorded using our experimental miniature car. The car is competing in the international competition "CaroloCup" (
To playback a recording file that contains data captured on our experimental car like the video stream and more data, simply clone this repository and run make all.
To compile the source file, you need to install the OpenDaVINCI libraries (cf. and OpenCV.
To compile the sources on Ubuntu Linux, you would need to install the following libraries from the main repository:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libopencv-dev cmake
Next, you need to add the repository that provides OpenDaVINCI:
$ wget -O - -q | apt-key add -
$ echo "deb trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
Finally, you need to install the OpenDaVINCI library:
$ sudo apt-get install opendavinci-odlib
Now, you can compile the sources as follows:
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make
Once you will have compiled the source file successfully, you can run it as follows where recordingFile.rec is one of the recordings that we provide:
$ ./CaroloCup-CameraPlayback recordingFile.rec
If you have the corresponding ground truth data at hand, just specify the .csv file as additional parameter:
$ ./CaroloCup-CameraPlayback recordingFile.rec recordingFile.csv
You can find the data set here:
Alternatively, you can also use our Docker image where we provide a ready-to-use binary image. As our image opens a window to play back the video data, you need to allow it accessing your X server:
$ xhost +
Then, you can simply run our image (Docker will pull it
for you automatically). The following command assumes that
you have a folder named data
where the *.rec files
are located to be mapped into the Docker container on
its execution:
$ docker run -ti -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v ${PWD}/data:/opt/data seresearch/carolocup-cameraplayback:latest /CaroloCup-CameraPlayback /opt/data/myRecording.rec /opt/data/myRecording.csv