Lecture notes for Math 3410 Linear Algebra at the University of Lethbridge, written in PreTeXt.
Originally this was planned as a means of producing Jupyter notebooks for in-class exercises, but it morphed into a full-on textbook project. The original computational motivation remains present, however: throughout the book, interactive Sage cells are included with built-in Python (SymPy) code. This lets students experiment with computational aspects of linear algebra without having to do tedious computations by hand.
Currently there is work in progress to add both Runestone and WeBWorK exercises to the book. The WeBWorK problems are mostly based on problems in the OPL, but they had to be modified to be PreTeXt-compatible. I haven't yet included the modified versions on GitHub; I want to check licensing/copyright issues first.
If you find these notes useful (perhaps because you're a member of the Math & CS faculty at U of L assigned to teach Math 3410) but you would like to make changes (adding exercises, perhaps) the easiest way to do so is to (a) fork this repository, (b) work on a new branch, and (c) send me a pull request.
Source code and published output formats licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License