Exploring creating 3D audio with a 3D map (WIP)
The idea for this application is to showcase 3D audio in 3D space. The ArcGIS platform has a lot of data that we can help harness to hopefully make the process of adding in audio clips easier.
Stage 1. Demo of a sample AudioLayer module. Audio files hosted alongside the app.
let sampleAudioLayer = new AudioLayer.create({ geojson: geojson, (array of polyline features) distance: 200, (in meters before sound plays) supportStereoAudio: true, (not implemented) movingObjects: [], (not implemented) camera: view.camera (trigger this on camera change) });
view.watch("camera", function (cameraObject) { sampleAudioLayer.camera(cameraObject); });
Stage 2. Automate with another external API to get sound effects.
Web Audio API documentation https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Web_Audio_API
Howler.js as an easier 3d audio api https://github.com/goldfire/howler.js
Turf.js used for mapping maths https://turfjs.org/
ArcGIS API for JavaScript (3D) https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/
Sound API (Stage 2+) https://freesound.org/help/developers/