seapath-benchmark is a tool used to evaluate the performance of a SEAPATH cluster infrastructure and its components.
seapath-benchmark is designed to provide a test architecture to measure and monitor the performance of a SEAPATH infrastructure. seapath-benchmark is build upon two core elements:
- The phoronix-test-suite to provide a test backend: test skeleton, test management, results handling, report generation
- Ansible as an orchestrator, used to the run the configuration and execution of tests across various physical and virtual machines.
seapath-benchmark can benchmark various system components (CPU, disk), SEAPATH features (VM migration), and can monitor the resource usage on each machine.
seapath-benchmark can be used (with the exception for cluster specific tests) on standalone and cluster SEAPATH configuration.
Results are available in the directory test-results
, at the end of
each test.
- Tests benchmark for testing the performance of various system and SEAPATH components
- Monitoring of various system sensors and resource usage
- Reproductible test scenario
- Tests results generation in various format with pretty graphs
Following phoronix-test-suite typology, seapath-benchmark tests are
called test profiles
. Test profiles can be one of two types:
- Monitoring test profiles: these tests are used to only monitor various system and SEAPATH sensors (ex: CPU/memory/disk usage, bandwith consumption, etc.)
- Benchmark test profiles: these tests are used to measure the performance of a particular system or SEAPATH components (ex: CPU, memory, disk, VM migration...)
Name | Test profiles type | Tested components | Compatible machines and infrastructure | Test arguments | Generated results | Needed dependencies |
cpu | Benchmark | CPU | Hypervisor and VMs, all SEAPATH configuration | - time_to_run : duration of the test (default 60s) |
PDF report with sysbench score | sysbench |
disk | Benchmark | Disk | Hypervisor and VMs, all SEAPATH configuration | - time_to_run : duration of the test (default 60s) |
PDF report with fio score | fio |
vm_migration | Benchmark | CPU, disk | Hypervisor and VMs, only SEAPATH cluster configuration | - resource : name of the VM to migrate (default guest0 ) - iterations : number of VM migration (default 5) |
PDF report with average VM migration time | A working SEAPATH cluster using crm as resource manager |
rt_tests | Benchmark | / | Hypervisor and VMs, all SEAPATH configuration | / | PDF report with average latency in ms | cyclictest |
process_monitoring | Monitoring | / | Hypervisor and VMs, all SEAPATH configuration | processes_to_monitor : list of processes to monitor separated by a coma , . If not provided, only shows the three most CPU consumer processes |
HTML report with process CPU consumption per CPU core | / |
Test-profiles are run in test scenarios
. Each test scenario describes
what tests have to be run, with which parameters, and which
concurrency (parallel or sequential).
Test scenarios are formatted in YAML file format and are located in vars/test_scenarios directory.
Name | Test scenario description | Test profiles arguments |
disk_cpu_rttest.yaml | Disk, CPU and RT tests run simultaneously, process_monitoring monitoring | Disk and CPU test profiles: 120s test |
vmmigration.yaml | 5 iterations of VM migration | VM migration test profile: 5 iterations of guest0 VM processes_to_monitor : crm and qemu-system-x86 processes |
Make sure your localhost system complies with the following dependencies:
sudo apt install \
Install cqfd
git clone
cd cqfd
sudo make install
Normally, seapath-benchmark is designed to be run on localhost inside a Docker container. If you wish to run seapath-benchmark directly on the localhost machine, make sure it complies with the following dependencies:
sudo apt install \
ansible \
Make sure the phoronix-test-suite package is installed on each tested machines:
- Get the phoronix-test-suite at phoronix-test-suite
- Unzip the archive
- Run the file
For Debian based distribution:
apt install phoronix-test-suite_10.8.4_all.deb
Then make sure following dependencies are satisfied on each tested machine:
apt-get install \
librsvg2-bin \
patch \
The user used by Ansible, targeted by inventory variable ansible_user
variable must be configured on each machine to have sudo access.
Each machine has to be configured for the Ansible access, as well as
and benchmarked_machines
groups. See inventories/README
for more information.
Configuration can then be started using:
cqfd -b configure_test_profiles
cqfd run ansible-playbook -i inventories/<YOUR INVENTORY> playbooks/configure_test_profiles.yaml
Using cqfd, seapath-benchmark can be launched using:
cqfd -b run_test_profiles
cqfd run ansible-playbook -i inventories/<YOUR INVENTORY> playbooks/run_test_profiles.yaml -e test_scenario_name=vmmigration
Each test-profiles arguments have default values, which can be overwritten in the test scenario.
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Add test-scenario support
- Run the phoronix-test-suite in offline mode
- Add vmmigration and disk_cpu_rttest test scenarios
- Explicit in README packages dependencies needed
- Fix an issue where pie charts were not displaying in PDF report
- Fix an issue where test profile was running infinitely
- Add
- Rename test profiles without '-' character
- Add support for patching target files
- Add packages dependency check
- Various bug fixes and improvements
- Generate report in PDF format, with the support of pie charts
- Show only in the generated diagrams the 3 most CPU consuming processes, other processes are in a category "Others"
- Add a possibility to monitor only desired processes with
- Add optional test-profiles arguments
- Configuration of the machines and the test profiles
- Add CPU, disk, vm_migration benchmark test profiles
- Add process_monitoring monitoring test profile
- Generation of results per test-profiles