There will be no further development of occi4java. The project has been moved to:
The project implements the Open Cloud Computing Interface specification of the OCCI WG.
Issue You have a issue? You are welcome to send us a message. Or just create a issue.
Patch You have a patch for us? Please do NOT send us an email. Just fork our repository, commit the patch and we will have a look if it fixes the issue.
Feature You want to add a new feature to our implementation, just send us a message, we will check it. Otherwise you can fork our repository and add it yourself.
The project is divided in three parts, core, infrastructure and http. Every part corresponds to a part of the OCCI specification.
To handle HTTP requests the RESTlet Framework was used.
The project can be build with Maven.
Q: How can i connect my resource management framework to occi? A: In folder: infrastructure/src/main/java/occi/infrastructure/interfaces there are all interfaces that have to be implemented. You can implement them directly or with Spring Dependency Injection.
Q: How can i use Spring Dependency Injection? A: In folder: infrastructure/src/main/java/occi/infrastructure/injection there is the necessary class to inject all interfaces. Here is a example xml file for Spring DI.
If you want to build the project including the debian package you have to install some packages:
apt-get install debhelper build-essential
Once they are installed you will find the built debian package in /distribution/target.
Just go to the main folder of the project and type:
$ mvn install
If there are any problems, when building the project, you just can try.
$ mvn clean install
If you dont want to build the project yourself, just check the download area. There you will find the current release.
After you have build the project with maven you can start the created jar file. The jar file will be placed in distribution/target/distribution-{version}-packaging.
You can start it with:
$ java -jar http-{version}.jar
The jar file will start a HTTP server on the localhost at port 8182 (default).
Type "help" to get informed about the console.
In our implementation we use property files to configure the webserver and the logger.
The files are located in the Core part under:
If you have already build the project you will find a /conf folder where you can change the configuration.
If you don´t want to build occi4java yourself, we are happy to provide a debian package, which will be build by invoking in distribution folder:
mvn package -P generate-jar
The generated package can be easily installed with:
dpkg -i occi4java_{version}_all.deb
The package installs all necessary files and includes a daemon to start and stop the occi server.
/etc/init.d/occi4java start|stop|restart|status
All logger information can be found in /var/log/occi4java/occi4java.log
Config files are located under /usr/share/occi4java/conf. If you change a parameter you have to restart occi4java.
- Maven 3.x.x
- Java 1.6
To build the debian package you need a debian-based Linux distribution like Ubuntu.
- Overworked build process. Debian package build is outsourced in a maven profile
- Version numbers on every modules were removed
- Merged fixes from a fork (thanks to nilupa)
- Overworked namespaces
- Changed from junit to testng
- Integrated process to make a deb file
- Integrated antlr grammar
- Overworked the build process
- Some minor bug fixes
- Initial release
(c) 2012 Sebastian Laag, Sebastian Heckmann