An implementation of Microsoft Application Insights as a 100% AngularJS module. This module does not utilize the offical Application Insights Javascript SDK, in order to avoid depending on global code outside of the AngularJS platform scope.
- A Microsoft Application Insights Instrumentation Key:
- This can be obtained from, and registering an Application Insights resource.
- A guide based on the latest portal update : Obtaining An Application Insights Instrumentation Key
####Via Package
bower install angular-applicationinsights
npm i angular-applicationinsights
Install-Package angular-applicationinsights
####From Source
> git clone
> cd angular-applicationinsights
> npm install
> grunt
Note: the angular-applicationinsights.js file will be in the build/ folder after running grunt.
Add a reference to the angular-applicationinsights.js file in your main html file:
<!-- load angular and angular routes via CDN -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- load application insights after the angular script, but before your main application module -->
<script src="build/angular-applicationinsights.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
var amazingApp = angular.module('amazingApp', ['ApplicationInsightsModule']);
Configure the provider during your application module's config phase:
<script language="javascript">
var amazingApp = angular.module('amazingApp', ['ApplicationInsightsModule']);
var options = {applicationName:'amazingApp'};
// Configuration options are described below
applicationInsightsServiceProvider.configure('<PUT YOUR APPLICATION INSIGHTS KEY HERE', options );
Basic automatic telemetry will be gathered out of the box, but for a direct reference inject the applicationInsightsService into your code:
applicationInsightsService.trackEvent('An amazing Event happened');
###Configuration The options object passed to the configure( iKey, options ) has a number of valid settings. Their names and default values are as follows:
var options = {
// applicationName: used as a 'friendly name' prefix to url paths
// ex: myAmazingapp/mainView
// autoPageViewTracking: enables the sending a event to Application Insights when
// ever the $locationChangeSuccess event is fired on the rootScope
autoPageViewTracking: true,
// autoLogTracking: enables the interception of calls to the $log service and have the trace
// data sent to Application Insights.
autoLogTracking: true,
// autoExceptionTracking: enables calls to the $exceptionHandler service, usually unhandled exceptions, to have the error and stack data sent to Application Insights.
autoExceptionTracking: true,
// sessionInactivityTimeout: The time (in milliseconds) that a user session can be inactive, before a new session will be created (on the next api call). Default is 30mins.
sessionInactivityTimeout: 1800000
Sends a custom event to Application Insights.
// name(String) : Required - the name of the event to be shown in reports.
// properties (Hash) : Optional - a String/String hash object of properties to associate with this event.
// metrics (Hash) : Optional - a String/Number hash object of metrics to associate with this event.
applicationInsightsService.trackEvent( name, properties, metrics );
Sends error data to Application Insights.
// exception (Error) : Required - the error object to be processed.
applicationInsightsService.trackException( exception );
Note: if the autoTrackExceptions option is enabled, this method will be called any time the $exceptionHandler is invoked.
// z is undefined.
1 + z;
// this will call trackException. Unhandled exceptions will be caught by angularJS and directed to the $exceptionHandler.
Sends a metric consisting of a name/value pair to Application Insights
// name(String) : Required - the name of the Metric.
// value (Number) : Required - the value of the metric.
// properties (Hash) : Optional - a String/String hash object of properties to associate with this metric.
applicationInsightsService.trackMetric( name, value, properties );
Sends telemetry data to Application Insights signifying a view change has occured.
// viewName (String) : Optional - the name of the Page/View to be shown in reports. Defaults to the url path, prefixed with the app name (ex: amazingApp/view2).
// url (String) : Optional - The full url to associate with this view. Defaults to $location.absUrl();
// properties (Hash) : Optional - a String/String hash object of properties to associate with this event.
// metrics (Hash) : Optional - a String/Number hash object of metrics to associate with this event.
applicationInsightsService.trackPageView( viewName , url, properties, metrics );
This method is invoked automatically any time the $locationChangeSuccess event is fired, and the autoTrackPageviews configuration option is enabled.
Sends a trace log message to Application Insights.
// message (String) : Required - The log message to send to Application Insights.
// severity (String) : Optional - The message severity Level (debug,info,warn, error). Defaults to 'info'.
// properties (Hash) : Optional - a String/String hash object of properties to associate with this event.
applicationInsightsService.trackTraceMessage( message , severity , properties);
If the autoLogTracking option is enabled, trackTraceMessage will be called any time one of the $log service methods are called.
// trackTraceMessage will be invoked with a value of 'message' and 'info' as the parameters.