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Update grpcio requirement from <1.66.0,>=1.56.2 to >=1.56.2,<1.69.0 #1971

Update grpcio requirement from <1.66.0,>=1.56.2 to >=1.56.2,<1.69.0

Update grpcio requirement from <1.66.0,>=1.56.2 to >=1.56.2,<1.69.0 #1971

name: Workflow Interface Tests
branches: [ develop ]
branches: [ develop ]
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, ready_for_review]
contents: read
if: (github.event.pull_request.draft == false && contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'workflow_interface'))
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up Python 3.8
uses: actions/setup-python@v3
python-version: "3.8"
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/requirements_experimental_localruntime_tests.txt
pip install .
- name: Workflow - Exclude Test (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - Exclude Test (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - Include Test (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - Include Test (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - Include / Exclude Test (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - Include / Exclude Test (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - Internal Loop Test (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - Internal Loop Test (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - Private Attributes (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - Private Attributes (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - References (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - References (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - References with Exclude (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - References with Exclude (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - References with Include (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - References with Include (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Workflow - Collaborator Subset (Single Process Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/
- name: Workflow - Collaborator Subset (Ray Backend)
run: |
python tests/github/experimental/workflow/LocalRuntime/ ray
- name: Test Experimental Aggregator Based Workflow API
run: |
python -m tests.github.experimental.workflow.AggregatorBasedWorkflow.test_experimental_agg_based_workflow --custom_template tests/github/experimental/workflow/AggregatorBasedWorkflow/testcase_datastore_cli --fed_workspace aggregator --col col1 --col col2 --rounds-to-train 1