Some demo code on how to use the event registry in flowable 6.5.0.
note I'm no expert -- I just used the docs and the source code to find out how to use this.
- A RabbitMQ installation on localhost using the default (insecure!) credentials.
Let's assume we have some system which sends messages to RabbitMQ which are JSON encoded and looks like so:
"eventKeyValue": "myEvent",
"customerName": "nexiles",
"amount": 42
We want flowable to look for events -- e.g. messages of this kind and start a business process for each message / event.
- make sure RabbitMQ is running
- Start the application
- Using the RabbitMQ UI:
- navigate to the "flowable-inbound" queue
- publish a message - !!make sure that you set "content_type" to "application/json" in the "properties"!!
You should see something like this:
2020-03-18 19:36:24.454 INFO 58827 --- [ main] c.n.e.f.FlowableEventRegistryApplication : Application started.
2020-03-18 19:36:24.455 INFO 58827 --- [ main] c.n.e.f.FlowableEventRegistryApplication : Processes deployed: 1
2020-03-18 19:36:24.456 INFO 58827 --- [ main] c.n.e.f.FlowableEventRegistryApplication : Events deployed: 1
2020-03-18 19:37:00.726 INFO 58827 --- [ task-1] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: Process eventTest:1:5eed0edf-6947-11ea-a2e5-6ab7c11ecb8d activity theTask: nexiles
2020-03-18 19:37:00.727 DEBUG 58827 --- [ task-1] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: var amount := 42
2020-03-18 19:37:00.727 DEBUG 58827 --- [ task-1] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: var customerName := nexiles
2020-03-18 19:37:02.675 INFO 58827 --- [ task-2] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: Process eventTest:1:5eed0edf-6947-11ea-a2e5-6ab7c11ecb8d activity theTask: nexiles
2020-03-18 19:37:02.675 DEBUG 58827 --- [ task-2] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: var amount := 42
2020-03-18 19:37:02.675 DEBUG 58827 --- [ task-2] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: var customerName := nexiles
2020-03-18 19:37:03.260 INFO 58827 --- [ task-3] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: Process eventTest:1:5eed0edf-6947-11ea-a2e5-6ab7c11ecb8d activity theTask: nexiles
2020-03-18 19:37:03.260 DEBUG 58827 --- [ task-3] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: var amount := 42
2020-03-18 19:37:03.260 DEBUG 58827 --- [ task-3] c.n.e.flowableeventregistry.Logger : LOG: var customerName := nexiles
- Define a inbound channel --
in resources/eventregistry - Define the event --
in resources/eventregistry - Define a process --
in resources/processes
Defines a channel where flowable listens for events.
- It's a "inbound" channel -- messages flow from the queue to flowable
- We use rabbitmq
- Our messages are JSON
- The messages we receive have a JSON Field "eventKeyValue" which defines the event type. See above, the event type is "myEvent" for the example message.
- We want flowable to bind to the queue "flowable-inbound". This is a queue which must exist in RabbitMQ and our messages must be routed to this queue.
Inbound channel:
"key": "testChannel",
"category": "channel",
"name": "Test channel",
"description": "test Inbound Channel",
"channelType": "inbound",
"type": "rabbit",
"deserializerType": "json",
"channelEventKeyDetection": {
"jsonField": "eventKeyValue"
"queues": ["flowable-inbound"]
This defines the shape of the message and a binding to the inbound channel. I don't yet know what the other stuff means :)
"key": "myEvent",
"name": "My event",
"inboundChannelKeys": [
"correlationParameters": [
"name": "customerId",
"type": "string"
"payload": [
"name": "customerName",
"type": "string"
"name": "foo",
"type": "string"
"name": "amount",
"type": "integer"
So finally we define a BPMN process.
The startEvent refers to our event type
We define two mappings from event payload to business process variable:
- customerName -> customerName
- amount -> amount
The script task uses the Logger bean to log a message.
<process id="eventTest" name="Process to test events"> <startEvent id="theStart" > <extensionElements> <flowable:eventType xmlns:flowable="">myEvent</flowable:eventType> <flowable:eventOutParameter xmlns:flowable="" source="customerName" sourceType="string" target="customerName"/> <flowable:eventOutParameter xmlns:flowable="" source="amount" sourceType="integer" target="amount"/> </extensionElements> </startEvent> <sequenceFlow id="flow1" sourceRef="theStart" targetRef="theTask" /> <serviceTask id="theTask" name="my task" flowable:expression="#{Logger.log(execution, customerName)}" /> <sequenceFlow id="flow2" sourceRef="theTask" targetRef="theEnd" /> <endEvent id="theEnd" /> </process>