Resources from Self.conference 2016!
Gary Bernhardt @garybernhardt
Jennifer Marsman @jennifermarsman
Sean Griffin @sgrif
Mark Yoon @wimyoon
Matthew LaForest @mudetroit
Jake Payton @JakePayton
Magnus Stahre @magnusstahre
Eric Maxwell @emmax
Tracy Osborn @limedaring
Alex Harms @onealexharms
Jarred Olson @JarredOlson
Anne Cahalan
Katie Miller @phedinkus, Todd Kaufman @toddkaufman
Alison Stanton @alison985
Stuart Kent @skentphd
David Case, James York @kroysemaj
KWu @kwugirl
Anjuan Simmons @anjuan
Katrina Owen @kytrinyx
Liz Abinante @feministy
Bryan Hughes @nebrius
Jon Shier @jshier
Kristina Thai @kristinathai
Casey West @caseywest
Brandy Foster @bcwf, Kyle Ofori @KyleOfori
Cate Huston @catehstn
Sarah Withee @geekygirlsarah
- Slides
- Video - Will be posted shortly
Tobi Adebisi @Olorun_Tobi
Coraline Ada Ehmke @CoralineAda
Rebecca Miller-Webster @rmillerwebster
Aisha Blake @AishaBlake
Daniel Davis @daniel_davis
Katherine Fellows
Nell Shamrell-Harrington @nellshamrell
Sam Boyer @sdboyer
Maintaining Continuous Learning Under Pressure: How not to let design slip with tight delivery deadlines
Rosemary King
James Weaver