You can install sentier_glossary via [pip] from [PyPI]:
$ pip install sentier_glossary
There is a single class, GlossaryAPI
, which wraps the Sentier glossary API endpoints:
from sentier_glossary import GlossaryAPI, CommonSchemes
api = GlossaryAPI()
With this class, you can retrieve the collections (logical organization of concept schemes into products, processes, places, and units), concept schemes, and concepts. For example:
> api.schemes()
[{'iri': '',
'notation': 'ICST-COM 2009',
'prefLabel': 'International Classification of Ship by Type (ICST-COM)',
'scopeNote': ''},
> [
> concept
> for concept in api.concepts_for_scheme('')
> if 'passenger' in concept['prefLabel'].lower()
> ]
[{'iri': '',
'identifier': '35',
'notation': '35',
'prefLabel': '35 Passenger ship',
'altLabel': 'Passenger ship',
'scopeNote': 'Ship categories included: passengers (excluding cruise passengers)...'},
{'iri': '',
'identifier': '36',
'notation': '36',
'prefLabel': '36 Cruise Passenger',
'altLabel': 'Cruise Passenger',
'scopeNote': 'Ship categories included: cruise ships only '}]
> api.concept('')
{'iri': '',
'notation': '35',
'prefLabel': '35 Passenger ship',
'identifier': '35',
'scopeNote': 'Ship categories included: passengers (excluding cruise passengers)...',
'altLabel': 'Passenger ship',
'concept_schemes': [''],
'relations': []}
The Sentier glossary uses vocabularies built on SKOS, and uses SKOS terms like prefLabel
, altLabel
, broader
, narrower
, and scopeNote
The results returned from the API will depend on your language preferences. By default, the glossary client uses the default language in your locale. You can change it when instantiating the API:
api = GlossaryAPI(language_code="fr")
Language codes follow ISO 639-1, and are two lowercase letters, e.g. en
, es
, and zh
You can also use set_language_code()
to change the language of an existing GlossaryAPI
client. For example:
> api.set_language_code('fr')
> api.concept('')
{'iri': '',
'notation': '35',
'prefLabel': '35 Passagers',
'identifier': '35',
'scopeNote': 'Catégories incluses dans chaque type de navire: Passagers (sauf passagers de navires de croisière)',
'altLabel': 'Passagers',
'concept_schemes': [''],
'relations': []}
The default fallback language of the glossary is en
The API search endpoint is under revision; for the time being we can use local semantic search. This only works with concept schemes given in CommonSchemes
, currently:
- cn2024 (
- nace21 (
- low2015 (
- icst2009 (
- prodcom2023 (
- isic4 (
To make a search query, pass the search query and the concept scheme. For example:
> api.semantic_search("piggies", CommonSchemes.cn2024)
[[{'iri': '',
'identifier': '080291000080',
'notation': '0802 91 00',
'prefLabel': '0802 91 00 -- Pignons, en coques',
'altLabel': '-- Pignons, en coques',
'scopeNote': 'Pignons, frais ou secs, en coques'}],
The first time you run this it might take a while as it downloads the data needed for semantic search, and vectorizes the API vocabularies.
Contributions are very welcome. To learn more, see the Contributor Guide.
Distributed under the terms of the MIT license, sentier_glossary is free and open source software.
If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.