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If you are beginning your journey with [Senzing], please start with [Senzing Quick Start guides].

You are in the [Senzing Garage] where projects are "tinkered" on. Although this GitHub repository may help you understand an approach to using Senzing, it's not considered to be "production ready" and is not considered to be part of the Senzing product. Heck, it may not even be appropriate for your application of Senzing!

⚠️ WARNING: sz-sdk-typescript-grpc is still in development ⚠️ _

At the moment, this is "work-in-progress" with Semantic Versions of 0.n.x. Although it can be reviewed and commented on, the recommendation is not to use it yet.


The Senzing sz-sdk-typescript-grpc package provides a TypeScript Software Development Kit adhering to the abstract classes of [sz-sdk-typescript] that communicates with a [Senzing gRPC server].


The Senzing sz-sdk-typescript-grpc packages enable TypeScript or NodeJS to call Senzing library functions across a network to a [Senzing gRPC server].


The following example shows how to start a Senzing gRPC server Docker container and access it using the senzing_grpc Python package.

  1. Run a Senzing gRPC service using Docker. Example:

    docker run \
      --env SENZING_TOOLS_COMMAND=serve-grpc \
      --env SENZING_TOOLS_DATABASE_URL=sqlite3://na:na@nowhere/tmp/sqlite/G2C.db \
      --env SENZING_TOOLS_ENABLE_ALL=true \
      --name senzing-tools-serve-grpc \
      --publish 8261:8261 \
      --pull always \
      --rm \

    Note: In this example, SENZING_TOOLS_DATABASE_URL specifies a file inside the container. Thus the database is temporal and will be deleted when the container is killed.

  2. In a separate window create a new project directory and initialize it with npm:

    mkdir my-new-senzing-ts-project &&
    cd my-new-senzing-ts-project && 
    npx tsc --init
  3. Add the sz-sdk-typescript-grpc package to your project:

    npm install --save @senzing/sz-sdk-typescript-grpc
  4. Create a new TS file:

    1. Option #1: Download the helloworld example from Github:

curl -X GET
--output ./helloworld.ts ```

2. Option #2: create a file from scratch:

touch helloworld.ts

and paste the following in to the file:

import { SzGrpcEnvironment } from '@senzing/sz-sdk-typescript-grpc';
const szEnvironment  = new SzGrpcEnvironment({connectionString: ``});

        console.log("RESPONSE:\n\r", result);
  1. Run the ts file you created on the last step:

        npx tsx helloworld.ts


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone &&
    cd sz-sdk-typescript-grpc
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Make distributable npm package:

    make clean && make
  4. The previous step will have created a new file in the dist/@senzing directory. The file will be in the format dist/@senzing/senzing-sz-sdk-typescript-grpc-X.X.X.tgz. This file can be imported for use in local projects withought pulling the public version from npm.