This is a set of plain Kubernetes YAML files to deploy a self-hosted Supabase instance.
There are a few forks of the outdated community supported Supabase Helm chart, you can check them out.
This is a Draft. Not fully tested yet.
Create namespace for Supabase and set it as default
kubectl create ns supabase
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=supabase
Edit PVC in postgres/postgres.yaml
Create secret with postgres login/password
kubectl create secret generic supabase-db \
--from-literal=username='postgres' \
Don't use provided keys in production environments.
Create your own JWT keys here
kubectl create secret generic supabase-jwt \
--from-literal=secret='x2zhph7hixlm99chy3v1ad2cfemvym6pu25pr0wf' \
--from-literal=anonKey='eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAic3VwYWJhc2UiLAogICJpYXQiOiAxNzEyMTc4MDAwLAogICJleHAiOiAxODY5OTQ0NDAwCn0.GcZn--EiwXXV88DHlOjD3m9NNCjVP2McMAO9WwvityI' \
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres-conf.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres.yaml
kubectl apply -f meta.yaml
kubectl apply -f rest.yaml
This service is an entry point to access all Supabase services. Don't expose other services if you don't know what are you doing.
Setup NodePort/LoadBalancer for Service in kong/service.yaml
or use kong/ingress.yaml
Create secret for dashboard basic authentication
kubectl create secret generic supabase-kong \
--from-literal=username='supabase' \
kubectl apply -f kong
kubectl apply -f realtime.yaml
Edit PVC in storage.yaml
kubectl apply -f storage.yaml
kubectl apply -f imgproxy.yaml
and SMTP variables in auth.yaml
Create secret for smtp authentication
kubectl create secret generic gotrue-smtp \
--from-literal=username='[email protected]' \
kubectl apply -f auth.yaml
kubectl apply -f functions
openssl rand -hex 20
kubectl create secret generic supabase-logflare \
kubectl apply -f analytics.yaml
in studio.yaml
kubectl apply -f studio.yaml
Uses hostPath volumes to access pods logs
kubectl apply -f vector