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Self-hosted Supabase with Kubernetes

This is a set of plain Kubernetes YAML files to deploy a self-hosted Supabase instance.

There are a few forks of the outdated community supported Supabase Helm chart, you can check them out.


This is a Draft. Not fully tested yet.


Create namespace for Supabase and set it as default

kubectl create ns supabase
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=supabase


Edit PVC in postgres/postgres.yaml

Create secret with postgres login/password

kubectl create secret generic supabase-db \
    --from-literal=username='postgres' \


Don't use provided keys in production environments.

Create your own JWT keys here

kubectl create secret generic supabase-jwt \
    --from-literal=secret='x2zhph7hixlm99chy3v1ad2cfemvym6pu25pr0wf' \
    --from-literal=anonKey='eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.ewogICJyb2xlIjogImFub24iLAogICJpc3MiOiAic3VwYWJhc2UiLAogICJpYXQiOiAxNzEyMTc4MDAwLAogICJleHAiOiAxODY5OTQ0NDAwCn0.GcZn--EiwXXV88DHlOjD3m9NNCjVP2McMAO9WwvityI' \
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres-conf.yaml
kubectl apply -f postgres/postgres.yaml

Meta (RESTful API for managing PostgreSQL)

kubectl apply -f meta.yaml

PostgRest (RESTful API for PostgreSQL)

kubectl apply -f rest.yaml

Kong (Routing and REST API authorization)

This service is an entry point to access all Supabase services. Don't expose other services if you don't know what are you doing.

Setup NodePort/LoadBalancer for Service in kong/service.yaml or use kong/ingress.yaml

Create secret for dashboard basic authentication

kubectl create secret generic supabase-kong \
    --from-literal=username='supabase' \
kubectl apply -f kong

Realtime (Broadcast messages about Postgres changes)

kubectl apply -f realtime.yaml

Storage (S3 compatible file storage)

Edit PVC in storage.yaml

kubectl apply -f storage.yaml

Imgproxy (REST API for cropping, resizing and rotating images)

kubectl apply -f imgproxy.yaml

Auth (GoTrue. User registration and authentication)

Set API_EXTERNAL_URL, GOTRUE_SITE_URL and SMTP variables in auth.yaml

Create secret for smtp authentication

kubectl create secret generic gotrue-smtp \
    --from-literal=username='[email protected]' \
kubectl apply -f auth.yaml

Edge functions

kubectl apply -f functions

Analytics (Logflare)

openssl rand -hex 20
kubectl create secret generic supabase-logflare \
kubectl apply -f analytics.yaml

Studio (Supabase Dashboard)

Set SUPABASE_URL in studio.yaml

kubectl apply -f studio.yaml

Vector (optional) (Collect, transform, and route logs)

Uses hostPath volumes to access pods logs

kubectl apply -f vector


Self-host Supabase with Kubernetes



