Releases: sergeytolkachyov/wt_jshopping_b24_pro
Прикрепление ссылок на файлы Radical Form
Если в ваших формах обратной связи на Radical Form используется поле для загрузки файлов, то теперь эти ссылки прикрепляются к комментарию лида. Для этого необходима версия Radical Form не ниже 3.2.0.
Настройки для Radical Form
Добавлены настройки данных, включаемых в комментарий к лиду/сделке для Radical Form.
Предобработка данных перед отправкой в Битрикс 24
Добавлена возможность обрабатывать данные непосредственно перед отправкой их в Битрикс 24 в собственных файлах в папке /plugins/system/wt_jshopping_b24_pro/src/Custompreprocess
Attaching links to Radical Form files
If your feedback forms on Radical Form use a field for uploading files, then these links are now attached to the lead comment. To do this, you need a version of Radical Form at least 3.2.0.
Settings for Radical Form
Added settings for the data included in the comment to the lead/deal for Radical Form.
Data preprocessing before sending to Bitrix 24
Added the ability to process data directly before sending it to Bitrix 24 in its own files in /plugins/system/wt_jshopping_b24_pro/src/Custompreprocess folder
- большой рефакторинг и чистка кода
- добавлен changelog url
- implemented SubscriberInterface
- тест на PHP 8.1
- новый installer script
Fix of an error that occurred when creating a new JoomShopping product
Merge pull request #6 from sergeytolkachyov/dev php warnings fixes on onBeforeSendRadicalForm trigger event
v.3.1.0 Support for Bitrix 24 products with variations
Merge pull request #4 from sergeytolkachyov/dev # v.3.1.0 Added mapping of JoomShopping product attributes and Bitrix 24 product variations ## Support for Bitrix 24 products with variations Added functionality for setting up links between JoomShopping products with dependent attributes and Bitrix 24 products with variations. These settings are used to update prices and balances for both the product itself and each attribute of the JoomShopping product. Bitrix 24 is gradually abandoning the use of simple goods. Even a product that looks like a product without variations is actually a product with a single variation. Therefore, a setting has been added that allows you to specify the main variation of the Bitrix 24 product for the JoomShopping product without attributes. If you have accepted goods to different warehouses in the Bitrix 24 warehouse accounting, the total number of goods for all warehouses comes to the site. ### Product variations in deals and leads Now, in Bitrix 24 transactions, products of a specific variation are indicated (with matching configured). This means that data on specific product variations will be reserved in the warehouse and displayed in reports. For example, a T-shirt of the size of S. **Will be added to the deal.This functionality only works with the WT JShopping Bitrix 24 PRO CRON plugin version 1.1.0 or higher**
- удаление jquery.coockie.js
- utm-метки на js получаются без jquery
- плагин переделан на новую структуру Joomla 4
- новая таблица связей в базу данных для товаров JoomShopping и Битрикс 24.
- возможность сопоставить товары JoomShopping и Битрикс 24 в карточке товара
- Складской учёт: выбор склада по умолчанию
- передача товаров из заказа JoomShopping в Битрикс 24 не только товарными позициями, но и товарами (участвуют в аналитике Битрикс 24, резервируются со склада и т.д.)
- обновление цен и остатков товаров JoomShopping при редактировании в Битрикс 24.
Update crest.php
- Improved error handling. The plugin does not cause errors on the site when the connection to the Bitrix 24 server fails.
- In the plugin settings, information about the webhook is displayed.