TOOLS for encoding and decoding Meteorological data in WMO-BUFR format
- BUFRCONTENT : List the contents of one or more BUFR files
- BUFRSPLIT : Separates the messages from a BUFR file to different files.
- BUFRDUMP : Decodes a BUFR file and converts it into a text file
- BUFRGEN: Encodes a BUFR file using a text file as input. ( This text file must have the same format of the decoded text files by BUFRDUMP)
- BUFR2CSV: Decodes a BUFR file and converts it into a text file separated by comma (Suitable to be read in MS-EXCEL, LibreOffice Calc, etc)
The file “makefile.comp” must contain the entrance for Fortran compiler installed in your computer as well as the appropriated compilation parameters. To create the “makefile.comp”, copy or rename one of the makefile_ to makefile.comp. See the examples bellow
'cp makefile_g95 makefile.comp (for g95 compiler)'
'cp makefile_ifort makefile.comp ( for Intel Fortran compiler)'
'cp makefile_gfortran makefile.comp (for gfortran compiler)'
It is necessary to configure the following environment variables
'MBUFR_TABLES = <Directory Location of necessary tables in the system>'
'PATH=<Directory Location of binary files in the system >'
Example: Include in .bashrc file the followed lines
'export MBUFR_TABLES=/home/user/mbufrtools/bufrtables'
'export PATH=/home/user/mbuufrtools/bin'
type source .bashrc to update the modification