A singularity container for NodeJS, SQLite3, MongoDB and VS Code web development.
This is used for the subject Advanced Internet Programming (AIP) at UTS.
Configuration is optional. If there is no configuration file, the default settings shown below will be used.
You can override these defaults by creating a file named ~/.config/aip_container:
# The existence of base path is checked before starting the container
# The host path is then created if it doesn't exist
# (set BASE_PATH and HOST_PATH to be the same if you don't want directories to be created)
# This array of files is symlinked to the corresponding files in your $HOME
SYMLINK=(".gitconfig" ".ssh")
Note that if the path /images/tmp exists and you have no configuration file, then /images/tmp will be used instead of /tmp. This is because on UTS lab computers, /images/tmp has greater capacity.
If you are using a lab computer, the container should already be installed for you.
To rebuild the container using your own computer:
sudo singularity build aip-container_latest.sif Singularity
Or, you can pull the pre-built image from Singularity Hub to your own computer:
singularity pull shub://benatuts/aip-container
Use run_aip_singularity_container.sh to manually start the container:
run_aip_singularity_container.sh term # Start a gnome-terminal
run_aip_singularity_container.sh vscode # Start visual studio code
run_aip_singularity_container.sh fullterm # Start a gnome-terminal-server and gnome-terminal