Facing trouble displaying data in Android? Tired of the list format (recyclerview) and looking for a table layout? Look no further, because this is the library you've been searching for. Simply prepare your data, and watch the dynamic table effortlessly come to life. Android DataTable library is designed to simplify the process of creating dynamic tables in Android applications. It leverages the power of the DataTable library in JavaScript, using jQuery, to provide an efficient and flexible solution for displaying tabular data in your Android app's WebView.
- Create dynamic tables in Android applications using a WebView.
- Utilize the popular DataTable library in JavaScript, powered by jQuery.
- Effortlessly display, sort, and filter tabular data.
- Easily bind data from Android to JavaScript for interactive tables.
- Sorted by spesific column
Use Gradle. Add it in your settings.gradle at the end of repositories:
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
then, add the dependecy in your build.gradle file (Module)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SeptiawanAjiP:Android-DataTable:Tag'
// convert json string to entity
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.10.1'
replace Tag with the latest version.
To use this library, just extend the DataTAblectivity class in your activity class. Prepare your data and observe the format from the example below. There are three vital parameters: columns (array of column), listData (array of data), and isActionButtonShow (option to enable or disable action button in every row). The number of array columns must match the count of variables in your entities.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:text="Android DataTable"
package com.dewakoding.androiddatatableapp
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View
import android.widget.Toast
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import com.dewakoding.androiddatatable.data.Column
import com.dewakoding.androiddatatable.listener.OnWebViewComponentClickListener
import com.dewakoding.androiddatatableapp.data.User
import com.dewakoding.androiddatatableapp.databinding.ActivityMainBinding
class MainActivity: AppCompatActivity() {
private val binding by lazy { ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater) }
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val columns = ArrayList<Column>()
columns.add(Column("name", "Name"))
columns.add(Column("age", "Age"))
columns.add(Column("address", "Adress"))
columns.add(Column("email", "Email"))
val listData = ArrayList<User>()
listData.add(User("John", 30, "123 Main St", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Doe", 28, "456 Elm St", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Michael", 35, "789 Oak Ave", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Emily", 22, "234 Maple Rd", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("William", 40, "567 Pine Lane", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Olivia", 29, "890 Cedar Blvd", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("James", 31, "345 Birch Court", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Sophia", 26, "678 Walnut Drive", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Robert", 37, "901 Willow Street", "[email protected]"))
listData.add(User("Ava", 24, "123 Cherry Lane", "[email protected]"))
binding.dtvTable.setTable(columns, listData) // default
binding.dtvTable.setTable(columns, listData, isActionButtonShow = true) // show action button on last column
binding.dtvTable.setTable(columns, listData, isActionButtonShow = true, orderBy = OrderBy(0, "DESC")) // sorted descending by column 0. Use ASC to ascending sorted
binding.dtvTable.setTable(columns, listData, isActionButtonShow = true, orderBy = OrderBy(0, "DESC"), pageLength = 50) // set page length of pagination with 50 data
binding.dtvTable.setTable(columns, listData, isActionButtonShow = true, orderBy = OrderBy(0, "DESC"), pageLength = 50, isSearchingEnable = false) // disable searching feature
binding.dtvTable.setOnClickListener(object : OnWebViewComponentClickListener {
override fun onRowClicked(dataStr: String) {
// convert dataStr to your entity
val userClicked = Gson().fromJson(dataStr, User::class.java)
// now, you can get an entity that user clicked, replace this with your function.
Toast.makeText(applicationContext, userClicked.name, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
This is an column entity (data class), and this form cannot be altered as this data class is within the library.
data class Column(
val data: String? = null,
val title: String? = null
The data refers to the name of variables in your entities, and that title will become the name/title of column.
- Offline mode, access css and js from assets folder
- Show button on Table and get response when button is clicked
- Export as XML widget