SODescriptor.m / DODescriptor.m: Compute SO/DO descriptors energyRes.m: Compute energy response based on Adelson & Bergen (1985)
We provide two examples to show how color descriptors work:
- additive color image used in Zhang et al (2012)
- blue-sky image: a representative color image
The normalization paramaters may need to be adjusted depending on the type of images. In general, we found k = 1, sigma = 0.225 to work well for natural images.
demoRelease.m : grayscale Hmax demoSoRelease.m: SOHmax (for most cases, two orientations of SO is sufficient because of their weak orientation tuning) demoDoRelease.m: DOHmax
Dictionary of S2 units: randomly extracted -- 250 patches of 4 patch sizes (1000 patches in total)
We provide three types of dictionaries: dict_250_patches_4_sizes : grayscale dictSo_250_patches_4_sizes: SO dictDo_250_patches_4_sizes: DO
If you use the code, please cite: Zhang J., Barhomi Y., and Serre T. A new biologically inspired color image descriptor.In: ECCV, Florence, Italy, October 2012.
For comments or questions, please contact Jun Zhang ([email protected]) or Thomas Serre ([email protected]).