Kubernetes prow for ServiceMesher
# Check k8s cluster info.
kubectl cluster-info
# Create github Personal-Access-Token for ci-robot account.
echo f9bb09edaee3a52087d9dd19daf207c253dxxxxx > oauth-token
kubectl -n prow create secret generic oauth-token --from-file=oauth=./oauth-token
# Create webhook secret.
openssl rand -hex 20 > hmac-token
kubectl -n prow create secret generic hmac-token --from-file=hmac=./hmac-token
# Check k8s secrets.
kubectl -n prow get secret
# Deploy Prow to k8s.
kubectl apply -f starter.yaml
# Check prow deploy.
kubectl -n prow get all
# Update job and plugin configmaps.
kubectl create configmap config \
--from-file=config.yaml=./config.yaml --dry-run -o yaml \
| kubectl -n prow replace configmap config -f -
kubectl create configmap plugins \
--from-file=plugins.yaml=./plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml \
| kubectl -n prow replace configmap plugins -f -
# Check k8s configmaps.
kubectl -n prow get cm
kubectl -n prow get cm plugins -o yaml
# Wait for all pods status come to Running.
kubectl -n prow get po
# Create secret cookie
openssl rand -base64 64 -out cookie.txt
kubectl -n prow create secret generic cookie --from-file=secret=cookie.txt
# Create secret github-oauth-config
tee > github-oauth-config.yaml << EOF
client_id: 43c958168f1c2f2xxxxx
client_secret: 7b38b9ab9bda37ac85cf2a057ec196da87exxxxx
redirect_url: https://prow.servicemesher.com/github-login/redirect
final_redirect_url: https://prow.servicemesher.com/pr
kubectl -n prow create secret generic github-oauth-config --from-file=secret=github-oauth-config.yaml
# Update deck deployment
kubectl -n prow apply -f deck_deployment.yaml
kubectl -n prow get po