A set of tools maintained by The SetLife Network to make development simpler, including a custom boilerplate for creating new React+Node apps.
Libaries used: Express, React, Redux, React Router, Webpack
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/setlife-network/tech-education
Move into the directory
cd tech-education
Install dependencies
yarn install
Get familiar with the setlife folder structure
|-- /api/ # Backend application source code
|-- /handlers/ # Handle 3rd party APIs here with request.js
|-- /models/ # Database model definitions
|-- /modules/ # Holds files with modular functionality
|-- /types/ # GraphQL type definitions
|-- schema.js # Root file serving as an index of API endpoints
|-- /config/ # Configuration files (database options, keys, constants, etc)
|-- /public/ # Holds all compiled and static files such as fonts and images
|-- /index.html/ # The root static HTML file that will serve the web app in production
|-- /src/ # Frontend application source code
|-- /components/ # React components
|-- /constants/ # Any constant variable used throughout the app
|-- /pages/ # Higher-level route-mapped containers for arranging React Components
|-- /scripts/ # Functions for API calls, data formatters, validators, etc
|-- /styles/ # SASS stylesheets or styling-related JS files go here
|-- /server.js/ # The main JS file that builds the Express server and runs the backend application source code
React+Redux front-end development files are served from webpack-dev-server, configured with webpack.config.js, and hot-reloaded automatically on every save.
to start webpack-dev-server run:
npm run dev
this command will bundle up files for webpack-dev-sever and host them on:
to start the Node+Express application sourced in the /api
folder run:
node server
Hot-reloading is only enabled for files in the /web folder. Changes to any files in the /api folder will usually require a server restart (press CTRL + c
in the terminal to stop the server)
If you have nodemon
installed you can run:
nodemon server
to enable hot-reloading of backend files
The server should be running at:
Jest is used as a unit testing framework and developers should run npm run test
before making any pull requests to ensure all tests pass.
When creating unit tests, be aware that Redux-connected components that are exported with export default connect(...
should not be imported directly as such in the respective *.test.js
file. Instead, ensure there is an export on the class declaration and import the component with import { Component } from 'path/to/Component'
instead of import Component from 'path/to/Component'
If you are making UI changes, it should be very common for some unit tests to fail at should render correctly
because the relevant snapshots would need updating. You should carefully target the component whos snapshot you wish to update with npm run test -- -u --testNamePattern='ComponentToUpdate'
instead of simply updating all snapshot which may cause some UI bugs to be overlooked.
In development, the bundle is created behind the scenes and is not production ready. The production-ready bundle is build with webpack using react-scripts
. To create a production-ready bundle run:
npm run build
this command will bundle up files and export them to build folder:
which is ignored and does not need to be committed to the repo
Testing the production bundle can be done by running an express server from server.js in the root directory. To start the server run:
node server
This script will serve your app from the production bundle in the /build folder. To access the app go to
Make sure to terminate the server when finished testing
to terminate the express server press CTRL + c