[A short, one-line description of the project]
[A longer description of the project, optionally with sub-sections like 'Features', 'History', 'Motivation', etc.]
Have to download, install and load quicklisp into SBCL - in (LISP quide)[https://setmy-info.github.io/src/site/markdown/lisp.html].
Building with testing part
; Load main system
(pushnew (truename "./") ql:*local-project-directories*)
; Or
;(require "cl-start-project")
(ql:quickload :cl-start-project)
; Load tests system
(ql:quickload :rove)
;(require "cl-start-project/tests")
(ql:quickload :cl-start-project/tests)
; Run tests
(rove:run :cl-start-project/tests)
; Make executable
(asdf:make :cl-start-project)
- Search and replace in all files cl-start-project with new project (system) marker.
- Rename files cl-start-project.asd, cl-start-project.cmd and cl-start-project with project related names.
(ql:where-is-system "hunchentoot")
- Imre Tabur [email protected]
Copyright (c) 2022 Imre Tabur [email protected]
Licensed under the MIT License.