- Load a bus file in the model file that matches the data signature (.bus)
- Load a line file in the model file that matches the data signature (.line)
- Load generator cost data (quadratic costs are assumed) (.cost)
- Load contingency data (possible line contingencies) (.contingency)
A demo or commercial version of AMPL is required to use the API.
Install the required packages with
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install this package (preferably in editable mode)
pip install -e .
Declare your bus, line, possible contingency, generator cost data. Use the schema declared in the example directory.
Call the solve_scopf_problem() function with the file path parameters.
For example,
BUS_FILE_PATH = "./data/IEEE14.bus"
LINE_FILE_PATH = "./data/IEEE14.line"
CONTINGENCY_FILE_PATH = "./data/IEEE14.contingency"
AN AMPL instance will be created to solve the problem. The regular and contingency flow results are written to stdout.