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				 HHexen 1.6.4



This is a new release of Dan Olson's excellent Hacked Hexen by the authors
of Hammer of Thyrion (Hexen II).  We're applying fixes, adding a few features,
and ensuring it runs on most *nix operating systems.



There exist several versions of the hexen.wad file:

1.0 wads:
  b2543a03521365261d0a0f74d5dd90f0  hexen.wad (20,128,392 bytes)
  1077432e2690d390c256ac908b5f4efa  hexdd.wad ( 4,429,700 bytes)

1.1 wads:
  abb033caf81e26f12a2103e1fa25453f  hexen.wad (20,083,672 bytes)
  b68140a796f6fd7f3a5d3226a32b93be  hexen.wad (21,078,584 bytes -- Mac version)
  78d5898e99e220e4de64edaa0e479593  hexdd.wad ( 4,440,584 bytes)

Demo wad 1.0 (from PC shareware
  876a5a44c7b68f04b3bb9bc7a5bd69d6  hexen.wad (10,644,136 bytes)

Demo wad 1.1 (from Macintosh shareware MacHexenDemo.hqx):
  925f9f5000e17dc84b0a6a3bed3a6f31  hexen.wad (13,596,228 bytes)

We've done our best to support the old 1.0 wad files, but strongly
suggest that you patch your wads to version 1.1 to avoid possible issues.
If for some reason patching is not an option and you run into problems,
compile hhexen to specifically use version 1.0 hexen.wad:
  ./configure --enable-oldwad

Saved games and recorded demos from different wad versions are not

Those without the full retail version of Hexen can still play the demo.
The newest demo wad (a 4 level version from the MacHexen shareware) can be
downloaded from  The PC shareware demo is
older, and not recommended: if you specifically want to use it, we suggest
recompiling hhexen with the --enable-oldwad option.



You'll need SDL and SDL-devel packages installed.

To compile the OpenGL version (hhexen-gl):

To compile the software version (hhexen-sdl):
	./configure --disable-gl

The configure script accepts a new --with-audio=<driver> option.  Valid
values are oss, sdl, and sdlmixer.  sdl is the default option.  sdlmixer
adds the ability of midi music playback, therefore, to compile with midi

	./configure --with-audio=sdlmixer

To compile the software version (hhexen-svga, for the old-fashioned :))
	./configure --enable-svga

It's essential that you run make clean between different types of builds
or different types of targets.


				Playing the Game

Put the file hexen.wad in the same directory where the hhexen binary is and
simply run the binary, for example:


With the -h or --help option, you can see the basic command line switches.

To play the Deathkings of the Dark Citadel expansion pack, put hexdd.wad in
the same directory and run:

	./hhexen-gl -file hexdd.wad

The -file option can also be used to play any extra hexen wads that you may
have. The option takes as many wad filename arguments as you give to it, at
least one name, of course. Remember, though, that the -file option makes the
engine to load extra wads: you always need hexen.wad as the base wad.

Currently, varying screen widths/resolutions are only supported in OpenGL
mode. Use, for example,

	./hhexen-gl -width 1024 -height 768

A partial list of supported options is available using the "--help" option.


			     Custom Music playback

Playback of external ogg, mp3 and midi files is available when hhexen is
configured with the "--with-audio=sdlmixer" option. This is done by placing
custom music files in $HOME/.hhexen/music .

A high quality OGG version of the original Hexen soundtrack is available for
download from :
To install, download the normal or high quality archive and unzip it.  Create
the music directory:
	mkdir -p $HOME/.hhexen/music		(for most end users)
	mkdir -p <install_dir>/music		(if you prefer that way..)
	mkdir -p <shared_datapath>/music	(mostly for packagers)

Place the ogg files in that new "music" directory you just created. Now, when
the game is run, the new sound files should automatically be used.



You can switch between windowed and fullscreen modes by the ALT-Enter key

Double-clicking with Mouse2 or Mouse3 acts as the 'activate' (or 'use') key.

There is still no way to assign mouse buttons to actions in the control-setup
menu; it needs some work.  Currently, the mouse buttons can only be
assigned to a few actions:

  mouseb_fire    (fire)
  mouseb_strafe  (strafe)
  mouseb_forward (move forward)
  mouseb_jump    (jump)

which is done by editing $HOME/.hhexen/hhexen.cfg and changing these values.
Button values are:

  left   mouse button = 0
  middle mouse button = 1
  right  mouse button = 2
  unused              =-1

So, to make the right button jump, change the mouseb_jump line in hhexen.cfg,
like so:

  mouseb_jump 2

The user created 4th class, Assassin, is not quite finished yet, and disabled by
default.  It can be enabled with "configure --enable-assassin".  The precompiled
binaries of HHexen do not have the assassin enabled.
Warning:  There *will* be issues with the game saves made from assassin-enabled
binaries and from those without, they are not compatible.


				Short Changelog

Major changes in HHexen-1.6 since previous version HHexen-1.5:

  * Fixed a rare menu related crash.
  * Worked around audio corruption with the sdlmixer driver when SDL_mixer
    tried looping the background music.
  * Fixed interoperability of games saved on little and big endian machines:
    the fix may break games saved on big endian machines using hhexen-1.5.x,
    the saves from little endian machines are fully compatible.
  * Added -waddir as a new command line option.
  * Made sdlmixer driver to search the game's shared data path for external
    music files.
  * New configuration options for more flexibility especially for packagers.
  * Other usual bug-fixes.

Major changes in HHexen-1.4/1.5 since Dan Olson's original HHexen-1.3:

  * OpenGL intermission and finale screens fixed
  * OpenGL screenshots (now bound to F12 and enabled by default)
  * Transparent automap
  * Support for big endian and 64 bit machines
  * Fixed FreeBSD support
  * Fixed ARM support
  * Various hacks/fixes for the proper handling of different 1.0 and 1.1
    wad file versions
  * Added SDL audio driver: it is the default audio driver.
  * Added SDL_mixer audio driver with midi playback support
  * Added support for external music files (ogg, mp3, midi) using the
    SDL_mixer audio driver.
  * OpenGL is the default configuration now
  * Game saves/loads work properly
  * Controls-setup menu works properly with more complete support for
    punctuation keys
  * Many GCC/C/portability bug-fixes, support for newest gcc versions
  * Incomplete assassin class is now disabled by default
  * Other usual bug-fixes.

Release notes for Dan Olson's original HHexen-1.3:

  * New character class: the assassin from Hexen 2
  * OpenGL rendering (thanks to Jaakko and Karl)
  * Normal and inverse mouselook
  * Higher in-game mouse sensitivity
  * In-game key configuration

