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Manage SharedPreference with annotation!


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This is a wrapper library for SharedPreferences for Android, based on Lombok (with @Data annotation), which allows you to manage SharedPreferences more elegantly.

Quick start

  1. Install the Lombok plugin for your Android Studio according to the method provided in this repository: sgpublic/lombok-plugin-action: A repository for Lombok plugin incompatibility issues with Android Studio. (

  2. Add dependencies in build.gradle.

    • For Java project

      dependencies {
          implementation "io.github.sgpublic:exsp-runtime:$latest"
          annotationProcessor "io.github.sgpublic:exsp-compiler:$latest"
          def lombok_ver = "1.18.24"
          compileOnly "org.projectlombok:lombok:$lombok_ver"
          annotationProcessor "org.projectlombok:lombok:$lombok_ver"
    • For Kotlin project, see Lombok compiler plugin | Kotlin ( for more details.

      plugins {
          id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.lombok' version '1.7.10'
          id 'io.freefair.lombok' version '5.3.0'
          id 'kotlin-kapt'
      kapt {
          keepJavacAnnotationProcessors = true
      dependencies {
          implementation "io.github.sgpublic:exsp-runtime:$latest"
          kapt "io.github.sgpublic:exsp-compiler:$latest"
          def lombok_ver = "1.18.24"
          compileOnly "org.projectlombok:lombok:$lombok_ver"
          annotationProcessor "org.projectlombok:lombok:$lombok_ver"
  3. Create a new class for managing SharedPreferences, and add @ExSharedPreference and @Data annotations.

    PS: Whether your project uses Java or Kotlin, this class must be Java!

    @ExSharedPreference(name = "test")
    public class TestPreference {
  4. Add member variables to this class and add the @ExValue annotation to set the default value.

    @ExSharedPreference(name = "name_of_shared_preference")
    public class TestPreference {
        @ExValue(defVal = "test")
        private String testString;
        @ExValue(defVal = "0")
        private float testFloat;
        @ExValue(defVal = "0")
        private int testInt;
        @ExValue(defVal = "0")
        private long testLong;
        @ExValue(defVal = "false")
        private boolean testBool;
        @ExValue(defVal = "TYPE_A")
        private Type testEnum;
        public enum Type {
            TYPE_A, TYPE_B;
  5. Use ExPreference.init(Context context) method in Application to initialize Context.

    class App: Application() {
        override fun onCreate() {
  6. Now you can manage SharedPreferences directly using getters/setters provided by Lombok, enjoy it!

    • Kotlin

      val test: TestPreference = ExPreference.get()
      test.testString = "new string"
      Log.d("TestPreference#testString", test.testString)
    • Java

      TestPreference test = ExPreference.get(TestPreference.class);
      test.setTestString("new string");
      Log.d("TestPreference#testString", test.getTestString());
  7. If you set isMinifyEnabled = true in your project, you should add to

    -keepclassmembers class io.github.sgpublic.exsp.ExPrefs { public static *** get(***); }

Custom Type

ExSharedPreference allows you to save custom types into SharedPreferences, but since SharedPreferences only supports a limited number of types, we use the conversion mechanism to complete this function.

PS: We've added special support for enum types, so you needn't to add converters for enum types.

  1. Add the required custom types to the class directly.

    Note: The defVal needs to fill in the string of the original type value, not your custom type!

    @ExSharedPreference(name = "name_of_shared_preference")
    public class TestPreference {
        @ExValue(defVal = "-1")
        private Date testDate;
  2. Create a class that implements the Converter interface and add @ExConverter annotation.

    class DateConverter: Converter<Date, Long> {
        override fun toPreference(origin: Date): Long {
            return origin.time
        override fun fromPreference(target: Long): Date {
            return Date(target)

    The first parameter of the Converter generic parameter is your custom type, and the second parameter is the type actually stored in SharedPreferences.


We have a demo using Kotlin to demonstrate how ExSharedPreference used: demo-kotlin.



This annotation is used to create a SharedPreferences whose parameters correspond to the Context#getSharedPreferences(String name, int mode) method.

That is, the following annotation:

@ExSharedPreference(name = "name_of_shared_preference", mode = Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

means the following statement:

SharedPreferences sharedPreference = context.getSharedPreference("name_of_shared_preference", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);

Parameter explanation

  • name: String

    (Required) Desired preferences file.

  • mode: int/Intefer

    (Optional) Operating mode, default is Context.MODE_PRIVATE.


This annotation is used to mark a SharedPreference key whose parameters correspond to the getXxxx methods of class android.content.SharedPreferences.

That is, the following annotation:

@ExValue(name = "test_string", defVal = "default value")
private String testString;

means the following statement:

// getter
sharedPreference.getString("test_string", "default value");
// setter
    .putString("test_string", "new value")

Parameter explanation

  • name: String

    (Optional) The name of the preference to retrieve, default is the variable name with a capital letter.

  • defVal: String

    (Required) Value to return if this preference does not exist.


This annotation is used to mark a custom type converter for ExSharedPreference processing.


Manage SharedPreference with annotation!







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