All of the mentioned scripts can be found under /scripts directory of this repository
Helm Charts can be found in this repository:
Official documentation - -
Decided to spin up my Jenkins instance by using EC2 AWS instances because this way i was able to add a worker node on my Jenkins instance which is a better practise that running Pipelines on Master Node. I installed terraform on my local pc and wrote a small script ( to create two EC2 istances along with their security group allowing inbound tcp on 8080 port where Jenkins is exposed. The AWS implementation along with the Terraform script allowed me to easily keep track of the created resources on AWS and also delete them easily once i dont need them to avoid extra costs.
- Installed java and Jenkins by following the official documentation
- Also install git to allow my Jenkins Pipeline to checkout the Jenkinsfile from my github repo
- Created an ssh certificate to allow my worker node to connect to my master node
- Installed docker and git
- Get public key which was created on Jenkins master ( and place it in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of jenkins user (sudo su - jenkins
- Also made sure that /home/jenkins has jenkins:jenkins owner
- If needed to sudo chown jenkins:jenkins on /home/jenkins)
- I created credentials for my git and dockerhub accounts so that they are not exposed in the Pipeline
- I connected the Worker Node on the Master to run my builds on it
- I created a CB Pipeline to Automate the containerization of the application (Jenkinsfile in repo)
- I created a webhook on my github repository and also configure my Pipeline so that it will be triggered each time there is a commit in it. This way the developers can test their changes by using the new image on the dev Cluster with almost zero effort

- Use Jenkinsfile from github repo
- Stages:
- Checkout repo containing Dockerfile and the python application
- Build Docker Image
- Push Docker Image to Dockerhub
- Deploy on staging (Optional)
I also added a boolean parameter so that the deployment stage to staging environment can be skipped

Spinning up the cluster -
Decided to provision my cluster using minikube on my local machine as the needs for resources and complexity is low for the purpose of the assessment. A single node cluster should be enough for the single pod (per namespace) in the cluster. I also deployed argoCD in my cluster using the official documentation and used port forwarding to expose the UI locally and monitor my deployments.
- I first installed traefik on my minikube cluster using the official documentation.
- I exposed the python application using an IngressRoute which routes traffic from to the service on my cluster.
- I also introduced a middleware which whitelists any range of IPs we want. For example we can whitelist the Public IP ranges comming from specific countries only. In my case i whitelisted only my Public IP to keep everyone else out :P
- The mentioned resources were also created using helm charts.

Create 2 apps (One for staging and one for dev environments)

Staging environment resources:

To achieve the needed restrictions per group of users (devs,devops,qa), i applied RBAC on my cluster by creating a role and rolebinding in each namespace to eachive the restrictions in the description of the assessment. The helm charts for these roles and rolebindings can be found in the repository provided at the top of the file. I also created a kube config file for each of the group of users so that it will be provided to them depending on the needed level of access on the Cluster. This will be applied when connecting to the cluster machine using export KUBECONFIG=config-file.
**Roles and Rolebindings were created in the cluster using helm charts.
New user accounts can be created on the machine which is hosting the cluster and each user can have access only on his kubeconfig file. I added the sample kubeconfig files in the scripts directory in the repository.
- Created a new user in the Dockerfile and use it to run the application to avoid using root and introducing security vulnerabilities
- Specified resources requests and limits for the pod in order to make sure node has the needed resources available and avoid crushing node in case of unexpected errors
- Use of service account in Kubernetes deployment as it is a best practice to leverage service accounts to ensure secure and controlled access to Kubernetes resources and to adhere to the principle of least privilege for your applications.
- Use a liveness probe on the application pod in order to be able to understand when the pod is ready to serve requests
- Consider using a canary deployment on the Cluster to be able to test changes on the application on an initially smaller user base by using a load balancer
- Consider using an autoscalling cluster which will be able to introduced new worker nodes in case of increased traffic
- Can use AWS Spot instances for this and also karpenter
- Buy an SSL certificate from a reputable provider and also a DOMAIN NAME to use for exposing the application online
- Add SSL certificate on the Traefik deployment (Had no time to do it)
- Add Pipeline which will be responsible for scanning the source code for security vulnerabilities e.g checkmarx