I have 12+ micro services to be migrated from python2.X and I will be listing complete details of porting issues whatever is not listed in the below and how to address them as well with examples, Keep watching this section
Tips for Migrating Python 2.7.x to 3.x from python community
- cheat sheet - http://python-future.org/compatible_idioms.html
- porting 2 to 3 - https://docs.python.org/3/howto/pyporting.html
- Majority of the problems is due to the Text v/s binary data returned by functions more details for better understanding: https://blog.feabhas.com/2019/02/python-3-unicode-and-byte-strings/
class SomeClassWithoutBaseClass: ==> class SomeClassWithoutBaseClass(object):
base_product.validate = lambda (payload): payload ==> base_product.validate = lambda payload : payload
event = {k: to_str(v) for k, v in event.items()} ==> event = {k: to_str(v) for k, v in list(event.items())}
for key, value in upstream_catalog.iteritems(): ==> for key, value in upstream_catalog.items():
merged_catalog.setdefault(key, value) merged_catalog.setdefault(key, value)
VOUCHER_PATTERN = '[\d\l]{{{length}}}' ==> VOUCHER_PATTERN = r'[\d\l]{{{length}}}'
map(lambda item: item.someFunc(), results) ==> list(map(lambda item: item.someFunc(), results))
cashed = int(round((float(cash) / tot_amt) * 100)) ==> cashed = int(round((float(cash) // tot_amt) * 100))
for keytuple in purchases_products.keys(): ==> for keytuple in list(purchases_products.keys():
return products_by_id.values() ==> return list(products_by_id.values())
return unicode(self.template).format(**self.kwargs) ==> return str(self.template).format(**self.kwargs)
# py3 moved to collections package
from collections import UserDict # noqa
except ImportError:
from UserDict import UserDict # noqa