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Campaign Creation Tutorial

Shahriar Hossain edited this page Dec 10, 2015 · 3 revisions

Following code demonstrate how you can Create a campaign with existing template and send mail to its subscriber

MailChimpCampaigns campaign = new MailChimpCampaigns();

            Recipients recipients = new Recipients()
                list_id = "0a84a63afc"  //Put your list id

            Settings campaignSettings = new Settings()
                subject_line = "Ready For action ",
                title = "We are Ready !!!!",
                from_name = "Shahriar Hossain",
                reply_to = "[email protected]",
                template_id = 18073,  //Put your template id that you want to use
                authenticate = true,
                auto_footer = false
            Tracking campaignTracking = new Tracking()
                opens = true,
                html_clicks = true,
                text_clicks = true

            ResultWrapper<Campaign> campaignCreationResult = campaign.CreateCampaignAsync(CampaignType.regular, recipients, campaignSettings, campaignTracking).Result;

            if (campaignCreationResult.HasError == false)
                ContentTemplate template = new ContentTemplate()
                    id = "18073"  //Put your template id that you want to use

                ContentSetting cSetting = new ContentSetting();

                var setContentStatus = campaign.SetCampaignContentAsync(, cSetting, template).Result;

                var checkListResult = campaign.GetCampaignContentAsync(;

                if (checkListResult.is_ready)
                    var sendStatus = campaign.SendCampaignAsync(;
                String.Format("Best of Luck! I can't handle :p");