The Cheap FOCer 2 has been released and is recommended for new designs.
BLDC Motor Controller based on the VESC 4.12 hardware
Bottom of V1.0. note the hole underneath the DRV for the ground pad
All functional features of VESC 4.12
Lower build and BOM cost
TO-220 FETs allow for big heat sink attachment for better thermal performance
SMD components no smaller than 0805 make hand assembly practical
Added ON/OFF capability to turn off control circuitry when controller is not in use. A simple mechanical switch will achieve this when connected to the “ON/OFF” 2-pin header.
Can fit in typical “350W” ebike enclosures
Can fit in Hammond 1590b enclosures
Larger than original VESC. Cheap FOCer is 45mm x 92mm
Higher profile with TO-220 package FETs
Additional assembly steps to beef up high-current traces. 2 layers of 1oz copper can’t handle the current flowing through during operation. Assembler will have to apply wire/solder wick/bus bar to the exposed Power, Ground, and Phase traces that you can see in the images.
- Issues may be present with VESC firmware 3.50 and above. Recommended to use firmware versions before 3.5
Cheap FOCer is based on the VESC 4.12 and uses the relavent VESC firmware/software.
Cheap FOCer is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit