The report is mentioned in the Folder Titled "Final Report"
The app is deployed on:
Install these prerequisites to follow along with the tutorial. See free video tutorial or a full explanation of each prerequisite.
- NPM:
- Truffle:
- Ganache-CLI:
- Tailwind CSS: To deploy the Dapp on Azure Portal, you need a workable Azure( account.
$ yarn install # or npm install
- install node
# install Truffle and Ganache globally
$ npm install -g truffle ganache-cli
# install openzeppelin:
$ npm install @openzeppelin/contracts
- install Metamask
Open the terminal and run the command below.
$ ganache-cli
$ truffle migrate --reset
Migrate your smart contract each time your restart ganache.
Use --network development
flag if you want to deploy on ganache.
Use --network sepolia
flag if you want to deploy on sepolia
$ yarn start
Visit this URL in your browser: http://localhost:3000
Once ganache-cli has started you should see several private keys and available accounts.
Note that the first account will always be the admin account. To add the admin account, import the first private to Metamask.
To add other accounts, import other private keys into Metamask and connect them to the website. Then you should be able to automatically register them by the prompt shown in the DApp after you refresh it.
To move through different accounts, simply click through different accounts on Metamask.
Admin accounts automatically have full access to create proposals.
In order to create proposals for non-admin accounts, they must be a Stakeholder
, in other words you must apply for an NFT
(via the apply button on the main page), and an admin account must click on the Generate NFT
button to approve it.
Once the non-admin account becomes a Stakeholder
, they can create proposals.
At root folder, create an .env file:
To use the Github Action to deploy on Sepolia and Azure, you need to add the above envs as well as your AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH_PROFILE
downloaded from Azure to Github secrets.
How to access different user privileges? For admin roles, signup then login with username and password both to 'admin' (NOTE: case sensitive, all lowercase). It will take you to list of all users where you can whitelist them and mint nfts for them.
For normal user/voter, sign up and login with any username or password, where you can request to get whitelisted and access nfts for anonymous voting.
When a user requests the services mentioned above, the list on the admin page is updated in real time (you might to refresh the page).
How do I use this with Ganache (or any other network)?
The Truffle project is set to deploy to Ganache by default. If you'd like to change this, it's as easy as modifying the Truffle config file! Check out our documentation on adding network configurations. From there, you can run
truffle migrate
pointed to another network, restart the React dev server, and see the change take place. -
Where can I find more resources?
This Box is a sweet combo of Truffle and Webpack. Either one would be a great place to start!