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Bindaas 3.3.0 Release Notes

Pradeeban Kathiravelu edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 2 revisions

Bindaas 3.3.0 is a Bindaas major release. It provides a set of bug fixes and incorporates a few commonly requested features. It also updates a few dependencies to the latest version to ensure bug fixes from the upstream. It has an updated OSGi console with a gogo shell. Therefore, its logs, as well as the look and feel of its console, differs from the previous major releases.

Access the Release: Binary and the source code archives.

What is new in this release

1. Removal of Embedded Jars

Previously, several jars were embedded directly into the Bindaas source code. This made the source code of Bindaas to be enormous. Precisely, the .tar.gz of source had a size of 107.8 MB precisely. Now it is reduced to 1.3 MB. Just 1.21% of its previous size.

2. Alpine-based Optimized Docker Images

The Docker image has become small too, from the previous size of 457 MB to 329 MB, by switching to Alpine from Ubuntu. The Docker images also run as non-sudo using the shadow bundles along with Alpine.

3. Improved Build System

The Maven ecosystem is optimized to avoid intermediate files hanging after the build. With better structuring of dependencies, maintaining and updating the dependencies is improved.

4. Updated Dependencies

Several dependencies have been updated during this process.

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